Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This is the one entry that I shall use mandarin not because of the need to flaunt my minute mastery of my mother tongue, but rather, it is a feel that English might not help to convey some of the more poignant points across. If I can, I will revisit this in English, or someone can help me out and do that.

没有把李总理的演说听完。所以,这篇很有可能跟演说重点有所不同。 但是精英和精华的两极论,只是把一个开埠 以来, 华社所存在的问题具体化。 可能说两极太沉重。 但滋事体大, 叫人怎敢乱言。

精英和精华并非朝夕,两极的厚冰,也决非一日之寒。 即使我也感觉到,这分化已经根深蒂固。 我本身既非精英, 也和精华拉不上关系。英文半桶水, 中文更加不入流。 这一篇是我以我有限的中文打出来的。只希望没把我的中文老师给气死.

我认为,精英并不是指一些英语一流而不通中文,而精华并不代他们对英语一窍不通。 根本的差异其实是在于他们因为家与教所培养出来,在思靠与处世方面,有着本质上的不同。早报就于星期日, 刊登出应磊小姐的一篇感言。http://www.zaobao.com/yl/yl051015_501.html

代出了精英和精华在就学时,已经存在的不同。 这种不同,只会在职场上,更加具体化。 只因为,道不同,不相为谋。无法有共同志向或习气的人是很难拉在一起的。




Environmental Engineer said...

Is it just me...or are the sentence structures kinda disjointed? But hey, I think your chinese vocab is better than mine! Bravo! Nice use of imagery in the last sentence.

putitthisway said...

hmm...you are probably right....guess I ned to brush up my chinese.....

iRis said...

For a moment, I thought were calling me!

putitthisway said...

sorry...no...I was quite surprise of the uncanny coincidence of the timing to reveal your mandarin name and the topic being discussed.

Nice name by the way


If I am right about the origin of your name.

iRis said...

Fwah! Nice interpretation of my name!!

Thanks! :D