- ‧帥...有什麼用...還不是被卒吃掉!
- ‧平生不識朝河蘭,就稱痴漢也枉然
- ‧肝若差人生是黑白,肝若好考卷是空白
- ‧薏仁做事薏仁湯,小叮做事小叮噹
- ‧我可以為兄弟兩肋插刀,但是我會為女人插兄弟兩刀
- ‧無心插柳柳橙汁
- ‧兄弟如手足,女人如衣服,誰碰我衣服,我砍他手足,誰碰我手足,我穿他衣服
- ‧大便的離去,是馬桶的追求?還是肛門的不挽留?........‧鑽石恆久遠 一顆就破產
- ‧乳搖知馬力-日久變人妻
- ‧君子坦蕩蕩~小人長雞雞
- ‧人生自古誰無屎 有誰大便不用紙 若君不用衛生紙 除非汝是用手指
- ‧飯後一跟煙,快快上西天
- ‧山不轉路轉...路不轉你迴轉阿...
- ‧聾子聽到啞巴說瞎子看到鬼
- ‧本草綱目有記載~腦殘、白目沒得醫!!
- ‧本人拒絕任何一夜情的邀約, 否則請妳馬上滾......滾到我床上
- ‧汝父久未贊汝,汝不知吾足著幾番
- ‧您已在其他電腦登入Messenger,請按一下這裡重新登入。
- ‧遠眺望山....看山小... 登高視水....真水小...
- ‧不管電腦多進步, 效能多高, 微軟就是能讓他跑起來像386
- ‧安西教練:「三井,你負責投外線!內線就交給趙建銘了!」
- ‧人不後悔不是人,不會後悔就是神
- ‧要抄的筆記宛如馨竹難書般,使我的手快要音容苑在
- ‧隱藏狀態!!
- ‧讀書苦,讀書累,讀書還要繳學費,不如加入黑社會,有車有權有地位,還有美女陪你睡。
- ‧認識你之前我的人生是黑白的,認識你之後我的人生是全黑的!
- ‧歡迎收看「我的屁股會轉彎」!
- ‧樹多必有枯枝 人多必有白癡!
Words and pictures are nothing more than just information that mimes the real world. As they are put in a way, Let me put it this way, my way.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Some interesting MSN status message
Thursday, November 02, 2006
与所有好男人,坏男人 和那些感叹找不到好男人的女人分享
与所有好男人,坏男人 和那些感叹找不到好男人的女人分享
作者: yang1234567859(拿鐵) | |
十歲以前, 他什麼都不懂,就不說了... 十三、四歲的時候, 開始對女孩有好感,但是那時候他離女孩遠遠的,並且以討厭女孩自居,生怕被同伴嘲笑 十五歲的時候,聽到大人們說某某男人好花,把女朋友甩了,女孩自殺了。 他覺得這人真狠毒,自己將來一定要做個癡情的男人,一定要一生只愛一個人。 十六歲的時候,他喜歡上了一個女孩,但是他不敢和她說。 仍然和往常一樣,臟兮兮的在灰土飛揚的操場上踢球。 只在女孩走出校門的時候,躲在二層的窗戶上看她的背影,他覺得她一定是個天使。 十七歲的時候,有個女孩喜歡上了他,但是他離她很遠,心裏面只有自己那個女孩,他覺得看別的女孩都是對她的不忠。 十八歲的時候,看了一個MTV,感動得想哭; 他想,如果自己的女孩失去了雙眼,他一定會像男主角會毫不猶豫的把自己的眼睛給她,讓她能看到光明。 十九歲的時候,高考了。 終於和自己暗戀的女孩分別,坐火車去學校的時候,感覺自己離她越來越遠,心像被掏空了一樣。 還在想自己一定不會忘記她,等到自己成功以後一定要 二十歲的時候,聽到有人講黃色笑話,覺得這人真可恥。 二十一歲的時候,她的回信中告訴他,自己有了男朋友。 他為此偷偷的哭了一個晚上。, 二十二歲的時候,他向一個女孩表白,女孩說:「你是個好人,可是我還小。」他想,我的確是個好人,然後他說:「沒關係,我可以等妳。」 心想,我不會像那些花心的人一樣,三年五年我也能等。 二十三歲的時候,聽說自己還小的女孩跟一個帥哥戀愛了。 他很納悶,長大原來可以這樣快。 二十四歲的時候, 他又向一個女孩表白,女孩說:「你是個好人,可是我並不適合你。」 他納悶很久,我是好人,妳怎麼還不適合我呢? 二十五歲的時候,他又追求一個女孩,女孩接受了他。他開始很幸福的為未來拼搏,他想,一時的開心只是暫時的,只有努力拼搏,他和她才能有快樂的未來,但是,半年以後,女孩和他分手了,只是因為另外一個男孩會說讓她開心的話。 女孩說:「你是個好人,是我對不起你。」` 至此,他似乎明白了問題所在--他是個好人! 二十六歲的時候,他開始墮落。打扮得時尚而酷,而且漸漸的學習著討好女孩的話。 不久,他有了個女朋友,雖然他對她也很好,可是,他心裏知道,自己並不愛。 二十七歲的時候, 他和女孩分手了。 他對女孩說:「妳是個好女孩,是我對不起妳。」 二十八歲的時候,他嘗試了一夜情,發現別人能做的,自己也一樣。 二十九歲的時候,他學會了講黃色笑話,並且以看旁邊的女孩子臉紅為樂趣。 三十歲的時候,他忽然發現自己變得很有能力追求到女孩,但是卻沒有了愛的能力 其實每個男孩,本來都是想做一個感情專一的好男人的。 其實每個男人,本來看女孩子都是看臉而不是身材。 其實每個男人,本來都是不會講黃色笑話的。 其實每個男孩,本來都是渴望愛一個人直到永遠的。 只是,沒有任何女孩愛這樣的男孩,她們覺得這樣的男孩太幼稚,太古板,沒有情趣。 於是男孩開始改變,變成女孩喜歡的那種 嘴角掛著壞壞。 開始學會說甜言蜜語而不是心裏想說的話。 開始學會假裝關心,學會給女孩送小飾物討好她,學會如何追求,如何把握愛情。 或者看破紅塵,遊戲情場,成為女人厭恨的那種男人。 他們可以很容易俘獲女孩子的心,但是他們也會在黑的夜裏叼著煙流淚。 心裏有愛的時候,沒有女孩;有了女孩,卻永遠沒有了愛的感覺! 當男人聽到女人抱怨世上沒有一個好男人時候,他們不會再去努力做個好男人,只是微笑著擦肩而過 |
Friday, September 29, 2006
Room With a view
And nothing much else…
This entry is done in the hotel which we will stay for the night.
When talk about ocean view, they were not kidding. In fact, I suspected that every single room in this hotel will probably offer a certain degree of sea view which I suspect, every other hotel will or at least try to offer. Seeing Meridien Hotel on my way just proves that, I have step into the land of continental vacation.
However, the room leaves much to be desired as it has a faulty remote, faulty tap and no working internet connection.
What caught my attention was a sail boat out there. It is completely white and from what I can gather from the weather, is probably out for a slightly bumpy ride. Of course I snap a picture of it as I would like to immerse completely into my role and responsibility as a tourist.
What caught me is the connection of the picture and what Mr. Tomato75 uses as his slogan as someone slogging it out in this ultra competitive world. The world, or rather the business environment today, even more so than it was previously, is getting more and more competitive. It is not unlike a choppy sea which is just about to get even choppier. As such, to see a small sail boat sailing in such a weather when even the bigger ships fears to thread, is something that shows that the captain of the ship truly have gumption (Or severe intoxication of 1 kind of substance or another). As such, while we might not be able to fathom the reasons, or for that matter, we might even think that the person undertaking it is doing a fools errand. But lets just give it that, the one that actually do it, has true courage and deserve at least a pat on the back for that, if not our moral support.
Well, so much for this entry, but I do hop that I have more to share in this 2 weeks of sabbaticals which I will while enjoying it, reflect on what was, what is and decide what will be in the days to come.
This entry is done in the hotel which we will stay for the night.
When talk about ocean view, they were not kidding. In fact, I suspected that every single room in this hotel will probably offer a certain degree of sea view which I suspect, every other hotel will or at least try to offer. Seeing Meridien Hotel on my way just proves that, I have step into the land of continental vacation.
However, the room leaves much to be desired as it has a faulty remote, faulty tap and no working internet connection.
What caught my attention was a sail boat out there. It is completely white and from what I can gather from the weather, is probably out for a slightly bumpy ride. Of course I snap a picture of it as I would like to immerse completely into my role and responsibility as a tourist.
What caught me is the connection of the picture and what Mr. Tomato75 uses as his slogan as someone slogging it out in this ultra competitive world. The world, or rather the business environment today, even more so than it was previously, is getting more and more competitive. It is not unlike a choppy sea which is just about to get even choppier. As such, to see a small sail boat sailing in such a weather when even the bigger ships fears to thread, is something that shows that the captain of the ship truly have gumption (Or severe intoxication of 1 kind of substance or another). As such, while we might not be able to fathom the reasons, or for that matter, we might even think that the person undertaking it is doing a fools errand. But lets just give it that, the one that actually do it, has true courage and deserve at least a pat on the back for that, if not our moral support.
Well, so much for this entry, but I do hop that I have more to share in this 2 weeks of sabbaticals which I will while enjoying it, reflect on what was, what is and decide what will be in the days to come.
Getting there
It took ages of planning and just when we thought that its months away, we are now on our way to Malta to catch our cruise.
As things panned out, we are now on the forth leg of our second plane with 2 transfer each. Loads of fun but we are now close to freaking out and is just less than a hair’s breath to getting into our little air rage mode. And seriously, we are wondering if the whole thing was a diabolical experiment to test the limit of human endurance on how much a person can take, sitting and stuffing their face out. We had 1 supper, 2 breakfast and 1 light meal each and its only 3pm when we arrived.
So far, after taking off from Changi terminal 1, we went passed Colombo, Dropped off at Dubai, saw the impressive airport which is huge and we will have some picture to share after we sorted the,. We just took off from Lanaca, a port of Cyprus and very soon, we will reach Malta, spend the night and board Superstar Libra tomorrow night...
As things panned out, we are now on the forth leg of our second plane with 2 transfer each. Loads of fun but we are now close to freaking out and is just less than a hair’s breath to getting into our little air rage mode. And seriously, we are wondering if the whole thing was a diabolical experiment to test the limit of human endurance on how much a person can take, sitting and stuffing their face out. We had 1 supper, 2 breakfast and 1 light meal each and its only 3pm when we arrived.
So far, after taking off from Changi terminal 1, we went passed Colombo, Dropped off at Dubai, saw the impressive airport which is huge and we will have some picture to share after we sorted the,. We just took off from Lanaca, a port of Cyprus and very soon, we will reach Malta, spend the night and board Superstar Libra tomorrow night...
Friday, September 22, 2006
OT is better than Sex
Just came up with 10 reasons why OT is better than sex
1). It is never finished
2). You get shafted royally and sometimes, you dun get paid.
3). You will be too shagged to think about sex
4). Your spouse will be too pissed to think about sex
5). You dun have to fake a headache
6). You dun have to fake an orgasm during OT
7). There isn't a right mood for OT
8). You dun have to come for OT, just stay
9). Your boss still sux even after all those OT
10). Watching all your colleagues goes back while you are still at it totally blows
1). It is never finished
2). You get shafted royally and sometimes, you dun get paid.
3). You will be too shagged to think about sex
4). Your spouse will be too pissed to think about sex
5). You dun have to fake a headache
6). You dun have to fake an orgasm during OT
7). There isn't a right mood for OT
8). You dun have to come for OT, just stay
9). Your boss still sux even after all those OT
10). Watching all your colleagues goes back while you are still at it totally blows
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Putting them at their right place.
Coutesy of some kind soul in SPUG
Which I found quite amusing
his reminded me what my primary school chinese teacher once told me.
In a nice way to remind his friend that he has overstayed his welcome, a poet wrote
What he meant was
But what his friend interpret was
So his friend stayed on
The moral of the story. Put them, put them right where you want to be...
And if you still have no idea what I am talking about, I meant punctuation.....DUH!
Which I found quite amusing
his reminded me what my primary school chinese teacher once told me.
In a nice way to remind his friend that he has overstayed his welcome, a poet wrote
What he meant was
But what his friend interpret was
So his friend stayed on
The moral of the story. Put them, put them right where you want to be...
And if you still have no idea what I am talking about, I meant punctuation.....DUH!
Friday, September 08, 2006
第八十章 情之所锺 的一段
第八十章 情之所锺 的一段
Thursday, September 07, 2006
雨一直下 - 張宇
雨一直下 氣氛不算融洽
在同個屋簷下 你漸漸感到心在變化
你愛著他 也許也帶著恨吧
青春耗了一大半 原來只是陪它玩耍
正想離開他 他卻拿著鮮花
說不著邊的話 讓整個場面更加尷尬
不可思議吧 夢在瞬間崩塌
為何當初那麼傻 還一心想要嫁給他
*就是愛到深處才怨他 捨不捨得都斷了吧
#就是愛道深處才由他 碎了心也要放得下
難道忘了那愛他的傷 已密密麻麻
雨一直下 氣氛不算融洽
在同個屋簷下 你漸漸感到心在變化
不可思議吧 夢在瞬間崩塌
為何當初那麼傻 還一心想要嫁給他
重唱 *,#
不要再為了他掙扎 不要再為他左牽右掛
今後不管他愛不愛誰 快樂嗎 都隨他
重唱 #,*,#
雨一直下 氣氛不算融洽
在同個屋簷下 你漸漸感到心在變化
你愛著他 也許也帶著恨吧
青春耗了一大半 原來只是陪它玩耍
正想離開他 他卻拿著鮮花
說不著邊的話 讓整個場面更加尷尬
不可思議吧 夢在瞬間崩塌
為何當初那麼傻 還一心想要嫁給他
*就是愛到深處才怨他 捨不捨得都斷了吧
#就是愛道深處才由他 碎了心也要放得下
難道忘了那愛他的傷 已密密麻麻
雨一直下 氣氛不算融洽
在同個屋簷下 你漸漸感到心在變化
不可思議吧 夢在瞬間崩塌
為何當初那麼傻 還一心想要嫁給他
重唱 *,#
不要再為了他掙扎 不要再為他左牽右掛
今後不管他愛不愛誰 快樂嗎 都隨他
重唱 #,*,#
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
IE, Who's your daddy?
This is one of those case that might go down in marketing history as the largest coup.
IE7 website asking people to go get firefox.

Saw it first from ZDNET
and if you are wondering where the website is,
its at
IE7 website asking people to go get firefox.

Saw it first from ZDNET
and if you are wondering where the website is,
its at
Beep away the complains
I have wondered if we are now officially the whine hub of Asia if not the world. Our World class Main Stream Media is always quick to tell us ingrates how we should be gratefull and grovel at our feet with all the goods our government does for us.
Its not all serious worships and grovelling, there are times whereby people use the MS and/or online forum to air their grouses and unhappiness towards the government, the transport company and each other.
Thanks to Mr Apollo of Spug, we now get to see 2 sides of the stories at the same time, no need to wait for a reply or robust rebuttal. If this carries on, we will definetly take our Everitt Road culture to its next step of evolution, online.
For those too lasy to read in SPUG, here it is :
Dinner spoilt by beeping fellow diner
THE other day, I was having dinner with my wife and daughter in a coffee house. It was like any other day when we go to enjoy some good Singapore food, and we were having a fine time until another couple came in and sat a table away.
It wasn't their conversation that caught my attention but the loud non-stop electronic beep sounds that came from the man's PDA. It wasn't that he was playing computer games and he may well have been entering or retrieving some legitimate information from his PDA. However,after the non-stop high-pitched beep sounds went on for what seemed like 10 minutes, my nerves were frayed.
My wife is not the confrontational type and did not want me to speak to the man, preferring to avoid any incident that has even the slightest chance of turning into an unpleasant exchange. I did not expect an unpleasant exchange so I politely flagged the man to get his attention and asked him if he would mind turning the sound down on his PDA.
Imagine my shock when he replied: 'Are you telling me to turn off the sound on my PDA? This is a public place. I can do what I like.'
I composed myself and said: 'You're right, this is a public place. And I am not telling you to turn the sound down but I'm requesting you to.'
This man would have continued polluting the environment with his shrill PDA beeps had his food not been served. By this time, my wife was feeling self-conscious, all the while listening to the man and his companion complaining to each other about us.
What would you have done? Would you have suffered in silence or spoken out? Was I wrong to point out to the man his actions?
I went through the process from thinking he was ignorant, to inconsiderate, to downright rude. Perhaps I should have asked a messenger to take the message, and perhaps the waiter would have told him of the effect of his actions on others around him - but would he have cared what other people thought?
I find it hard to believe how much further we have to travel to arrive at what the Prime Minister has called a gracious society, when we cannot even extend consideration to others by reducing the stress level caused by noisy electronic gadgets. It saddens me that rather than be considerate, this man justified his actions based on his right to do as he pleases.
Indeed, courtesy is uncommon and we have a long way to go before we can call ourselves a gracious society.
David Neo Lian Kong
This evening, I went to Great World City for my dinner at the Vietai Restaurant just outside GV Grand Cinema. I was led to a seat which was about 1.2-1.3 metres away from a couple (late 30s) and their 6-7 yrs old daughter.
While seated, from the side of my eyes, I could see the wife beckoning the waiter to come over. When the waitress came over, she questioned... 'Why is the Laksa not clear?' She went on to flip open the menu and said it is not what she wanted. I went on with my nonchalant conversation as the waitress LPPL cart away her bowl of laksa and replaced it with Phad Thai. Less than 5 minutes later, I heard her summon the waitress again. This time, the wife complained why her daughter's Pad Thai has chilli? I took a cursory glance and was bemused as her daughter has devoured almost half her food already!
I just ignored them and ordered my food with the next available waiter. While waiting, I thought I will check on my calendar and do a little house keeping on my PDA mobile phone. While clicking here and there on my HP, I heard a loud voice.. 'Excuse Me! Excuse Me!' Oh, this time, the husband at that table is calling out to me.. in my mind, I was thinking.. now what do u want? He went on to say, 'Stop using your PDA. The beep is irritating me!' I was like, who the fcuk do u think u are? Just cause I am dressed in a polo shirt and look a little shabby doesnt mean I am a push over. I replied, 'This is a common area, I am free to do what I want. How does this affect u?' He went on to say.. 'It is irritating...' I told him off that I don't owe u a living and I have the right to do what I want. *** is wrong with these people? *** is this blatant display of snootiness? Why didnt this asswipe go ask the management to shut the loud music blaring from the speakers of the restaurant? It really pissed me off big time to have met such people who thinks we should pander to their whims and fancy. What would u have done if it happened to u? I am really ashamed to be Singaporean especially one who happened to be a family of complain kings!
Its not all serious worships and grovelling, there are times whereby people use the MS and/or online forum to air their grouses and unhappiness towards the government, the transport company and each other.
Thanks to Mr Apollo of Spug, we now get to see 2 sides of the stories at the same time, no need to wait for a reply or robust rebuttal. If this carries on, we will definetly take our Everitt Road culture to its next step of evolution, online.
For those too lasy to read in SPUG, here it is :
Dinner spoilt by beeping fellow diner
THE other day, I was having dinner with my wife and daughter in a coffee house. It was like any other day when we go to enjoy some good Singapore food, and we were having a fine time until another couple came in and sat a table away.
It wasn't their conversation that caught my attention but the loud non-stop electronic beep sounds that came from the man's PDA. It wasn't that he was playing computer games and he may well have been entering or retrieving some legitimate information from his PDA. However,after the non-stop high-pitched beep sounds went on for what seemed like 10 minutes, my nerves were frayed.
My wife is not the confrontational type and did not want me to speak to the man, preferring to avoid any incident that has even the slightest chance of turning into an unpleasant exchange. I did not expect an unpleasant exchange so I politely flagged the man to get his attention and asked him if he would mind turning the sound down on his PDA.
Imagine my shock when he replied: 'Are you telling me to turn off the sound on my PDA? This is a public place. I can do what I like.'
I composed myself and said: 'You're right, this is a public place. And I am not telling you to turn the sound down but I'm requesting you to.'
This man would have continued polluting the environment with his shrill PDA beeps had his food not been served. By this time, my wife was feeling self-conscious, all the while listening to the man and his companion complaining to each other about us.
What would you have done? Would you have suffered in silence or spoken out? Was I wrong to point out to the man his actions?
I went through the process from thinking he was ignorant, to inconsiderate, to downright rude. Perhaps I should have asked a messenger to take the message, and perhaps the waiter would have told him of the effect of his actions on others around him - but would he have cared what other people thought?
I find it hard to believe how much further we have to travel to arrive at what the Prime Minister has called a gracious society, when we cannot even extend consideration to others by reducing the stress level caused by noisy electronic gadgets. It saddens me that rather than be considerate, this man justified his actions based on his right to do as he pleases.
Indeed, courtesy is uncommon and we have a long way to go before we can call ourselves a gracious society.
David Neo Lian Kong
This evening, I went to Great World City for my dinner at the Vietai Restaurant just outside GV Grand Cinema. I was led to a seat which was about 1.2-1.3 metres away from a couple (late 30s) and their 6-7 yrs old daughter.
While seated, from the side of my eyes, I could see the wife beckoning the waiter to come over. When the waitress came over, she questioned... 'Why is the Laksa not clear?' She went on to flip open the menu and said it is not what she wanted. I went on with my nonchalant conversation as the waitress LPPL cart away her bowl of laksa and replaced it with Phad Thai. Less than 5 minutes later, I heard her summon the waitress again. This time, the wife complained why her daughter's Pad Thai has chilli? I took a cursory glance and was bemused as her daughter has devoured almost half her food already!
I just ignored them and ordered my food with the next available waiter. While waiting, I thought I will check on my calendar and do a little house keeping on my PDA mobile phone. While clicking here and there on my HP, I heard a loud voice.. 'Excuse Me! Excuse Me!' Oh, this time, the husband at that table is calling out to me.. in my mind, I was thinking.. now what do u want? He went on to say, 'Stop using your PDA. The beep is irritating me!' I was like, who the fcuk do u think u are? Just cause I am dressed in a polo shirt and look a little shabby doesnt mean I am a push over. I replied, 'This is a common area, I am free to do what I want. How does this affect u?' He went on to say.. 'It is irritating...' I told him off that I don't owe u a living and I have the right to do what I want. *** is wrong with these people? *** is this blatant display of snootiness? Why didnt this asswipe go ask the management to shut the loud music blaring from the speakers of the restaurant? It really pissed me off big time to have met such people who thinks we should pander to their whims and fancy. What would u have done if it happened to u? I am really ashamed to be Singaporean especially one who happened to be a family of complain kings!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Tradeshow and me
Here I am, on my way to Sim Lim Square, and I just can’t help but to reflect on what brings about this journey and the events leading up to it. It all boils down to one of those things that had been there throughout my formative years, Trade-shows, and to be more specific, Comex.
Ever since I was first shown a home built Apple II by my uncle, it wooden housing, cassette tape drive and all, I have always been fascinated by computers. So much so that it is one of my greatest obsession and career. While others will be happy to just own a computer and use it, I probably can’t be happy until I get around dismembering it and figures out how to tweak and coax an additional ounce of performance out of it all because, I could.
For the longest time since getting the family notebook with little thanks to Starhub, I have wanted to tweak it and make it work even better, this is all because that even with a respectful 512mb of ram and all its purported 64bit processing powers its still running slower than a turtle with 2 shells. The cause of it, Ram not enough as it has to share its 512MB between applications and graphics. For the uninitiated, while ram sharing is serious infringement to casual computing, it is considered cardinal sin for any performance computing if that’s your cup of tea and a definite death sentence with eternal purgatory after which if you are a serious gamer (No, I don’t mean a mean game of bejeweled). As such, what better reason is there to lug myself out of my cozy Saturday morning bed, kiss my sleepy wife before heading out across the entire island just so I can jostle my way with thousands of people in the sea of computer, gadgets, offers and other peripherals? No, I don’t think so.
Comex is now in its 14 incarnation and with every passing years, I weep for its lost and unfortunate soulless existence.
Comex, as with PC shows and other computer events in Singapore owes its existence to a bunch of computer companies to showcase their latest offering and a bunch of computer enthusiast and practitioners of the arcane art of computing for them to pay homage and make offerings with their wallet so that they own the latest piece of computing must have which they coveted for so long, also allows them to grope and gawk at those shinny blink blinks which they could have only drool at on the pages of magazines. In fact, I always suspected that without all these tradeshows, geeks might not even step into places like World Trade center then, Suntec City for some time, and Expo for now. In fact, you can even consider it a form of conspiracy with the owners of these places to attract the geeks to spend.
However, as time that flows, change ensures, and computing evolved from the arcane to the mass market and eventually to the mundane and while I still believe that it is mandatory for people who wants to use a computer to be trained, pass a test and gets a license before they are allowed to even touch a keyboard and mouse, I have to say that the mass-market ownerships of computers allows me to stay gainfully employed and to also allow me to even contemplate to start a business on computing.
Soon, the computer fiestas became that of a printer bonanza, seems like in every show, there will be a great many mindless minions tat deemed that their printer is too slow, too colorless, too big or just plain too last year that they need to buy a new one. As times changed, the minions of printers gave way to the minions of Notebook, the minions of LCDs and today, the minions of MP3 Players. Yes, how time has changed and you will now go into a tradeshow with choke full of credit card pushers, MP3 dealers and cartridge replacements. Seems like computer is now nothing more than an afterthought instead of the main attraction in a computer trade show.
Well, as long as there are still good deals to be have in a computer trade show, I shall still be the sucker that is being drawn to it like a moth to fire. I did get a pretty good deal for another 512MB for my notebook but unfortunately it did not fit, and I was just told at the shop that they are not able to help me today as their technicians will not be in until Friday. Well, anyway, I just got the namecard and the logo for my new business ready (That will be another entry). And I will now dutifully rush home to meet the people that is suppose to fix the main gate of the house, just hope that they can get it fix.
Ever since I was first shown a home built Apple II by my uncle, it wooden housing, cassette tape drive and all, I have always been fascinated by computers. So much so that it is one of my greatest obsession and career. While others will be happy to just own a computer and use it, I probably can’t be happy until I get around dismembering it and figures out how to tweak and coax an additional ounce of performance out of it all because, I could.
For the longest time since getting the family notebook with little thanks to Starhub, I have wanted to tweak it and make it work even better, this is all because that even with a respectful 512mb of ram and all its purported 64bit processing powers its still running slower than a turtle with 2 shells. The cause of it, Ram not enough as it has to share its 512MB between applications and graphics. For the uninitiated, while ram sharing is serious infringement to casual computing, it is considered cardinal sin for any performance computing if that’s your cup of tea and a definite death sentence with eternal purgatory after which if you are a serious gamer (No, I don’t mean a mean game of bejeweled). As such, what better reason is there to lug myself out of my cozy Saturday morning bed, kiss my sleepy wife before heading out across the entire island just so I can jostle my way with thousands of people in the sea of computer, gadgets, offers and other peripherals? No, I don’t think so.
Comex is now in its 14 incarnation and with every passing years, I weep for its lost and unfortunate soulless existence.
Comex, as with PC shows and other computer events in Singapore owes its existence to a bunch of computer companies to showcase their latest offering and a bunch of computer enthusiast and practitioners of the arcane art of computing for them to pay homage and make offerings with their wallet so that they own the latest piece of computing must have which they coveted for so long, also allows them to grope and gawk at those shinny blink blinks which they could have only drool at on the pages of magazines. In fact, I always suspected that without all these tradeshows, geeks might not even step into places like World Trade center then, Suntec City for some time, and Expo for now. In fact, you can even consider it a form of conspiracy with the owners of these places to attract the geeks to spend.
However, as time that flows, change ensures, and computing evolved from the arcane to the mass market and eventually to the mundane and while I still believe that it is mandatory for people who wants to use a computer to be trained, pass a test and gets a license before they are allowed to even touch a keyboard and mouse, I have to say that the mass-market ownerships of computers allows me to stay gainfully employed and to also allow me to even contemplate to start a business on computing.
Soon, the computer fiestas became that of a printer bonanza, seems like in every show, there will be a great many mindless minions tat deemed that their printer is too slow, too colorless, too big or just plain too last year that they need to buy a new one. As times changed, the minions of printers gave way to the minions of Notebook, the minions of LCDs and today, the minions of MP3 Players. Yes, how time has changed and you will now go into a tradeshow with choke full of credit card pushers, MP3 dealers and cartridge replacements. Seems like computer is now nothing more than an afterthought instead of the main attraction in a computer trade show.
Well, as long as there are still good deals to be have in a computer trade show, I shall still be the sucker that is being drawn to it like a moth to fire. I did get a pretty good deal for another 512MB for my notebook but unfortunately it did not fit, and I was just told at the shop that they are not able to help me today as their technicians will not be in until Friday. Well, anyway, I just got the namecard and the logo for my new business ready (That will be another entry). And I will now dutifully rush home to meet the people that is suppose to fix the main gate of the house, just hope that they can get it fix.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
One Liners (Part1......I Hope)
I realized that for the longest time, I have been sprouting one-liners. Not sure if they are unique, but I guess I will just put up a few that I remember and add to it as I go along:
On what started this Blog
Well, let me put it this way…..
On Technology
Technology is only meaningful if they are applied; otherwise, they are just plain BuangKok
On Price of services
Its never too cheap when you want it, and never too expensive when you need it.
On Service Charge
Why is it mandatory that I pay for service that is either abysmal or non-existence when the best services I get are for free.
On Holy Mistake
As far as I am concern, there is only 1 holy mistake and we are it; thank GOD its never being corrected.
And thats all for now, folks........
On what started this Blog
Well, let me put it this way…..
On Technology
Technology is only meaningful if they are applied; otherwise, they are just plain BuangKok
On Price of services
Its never too cheap when you want it, and never too expensive when you need it.
On Service Charge
Why is it mandatory that I pay for service that is either abysmal or non-existence when the best services I get are for free.
On Holy Mistake
As far as I am concern, there is only 1 holy mistake and we are it; thank GOD its never being corrected.
And thats all for now, folks........
Men's rules for women
Thanks to Minky from SPUG and I copied the entire thing from this thread, we now have rules to help our better half(ves) to understand us better
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules:
Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Breasts are for looking at and that is why we do it. Don't try to change that.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Saturday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
1. 'Yes' and 'No' are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colours, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine, Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as:
Sport, or
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.
Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.
Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh.
Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them an education.
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules:
Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Breasts are for looking at and that is why we do it. Don't try to change that.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Saturday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
1. 'Yes' and 'No' are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colours, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine, Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as:
Sport, or
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.
Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.
Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh.
Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them an education.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I am 70% boy
Saw it from HWZ
You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Singapore Mee Siam
Singapore Mee Siam
The word of my prime Minister inspired and move us, as such, I shall try this feeble attempt to update an age-old dish to make it uniquely Singapore.
The original recipe can be found from
My apologies to Siva for screwing up this great dish
1 pkt mee hoon
300g bean sprout - remove the tail
250g fresh prawn - if you wish
100g fresh cockles –you must
100g dried chilli } blend
50g dried prawn } these
4 nos. onion } four
4 nos. garlic } together
200g tau-choo
12 oz oil
2 pcs tauhu - fry it
20 cents koo-chye
20 cents lime
little bit of salt and aji no moto
1 Heat the pan and fry the blended mixture till crispy or well,
then add in water and stir
2 When its thick, add in prawn, salt and aji no moto
3 Add in the mee, bean sprout and koo-chye and fry till it
cook or dry
100g dried chilli } blend
3 nos. onion } these
4 nos. garlic } four
200g tau-cheo } together
3 pcs. small tauhu - pressed little bit of salt, tamarind seeds,
sugar and aji no moto
1 Heat the pan and fry the blended mixture till crispy or well,
then add in water, and let it to thicken
2 Add in the tauhu, sugar, tamarind water, salt and aji no moto,
let it to cook
The word of my prime Minister inspired and move us, as such, I shall try this feeble attempt to update an age-old dish to make it uniquely Singapore.
The original recipe can be found from
My apologies to Siva for screwing up this great dish
1 pkt mee hoon
300g bean sprout - remove the tail
250g fresh prawn - if you wish
100g fresh cockles –you must
100g dried chilli } blend
50g dried prawn } these
4 nos. onion } four
4 nos. garlic } together
200g tau-choo
12 oz oil
2 pcs tauhu - fry it
20 cents koo-chye
20 cents lime
little bit of salt and aji no moto
1 Heat the pan and fry the blended mixture till crispy or well,
then add in water and stir
2 When its thick, add in prawn, salt and aji no moto
3 Add in the mee, bean sprout and koo-chye and fry till it
cook or dry
100g dried chilli } blend
3 nos. onion } these
4 nos. garlic } four
200g tau-cheo } together
3 pcs. small tauhu - pressed little bit of salt, tamarind seeds,
sugar and aji no moto
1 Heat the pan and fry the blended mixture till crispy or well,
then add in water, and let it to thicken
2 Add in the tauhu, sugar, tamarind water, salt and aji no moto,
let it to cook
- Prepare the dish with the fried mee siam.
- Put the raw cockles on top
- Add gravy to it
- Or you can always serve it as mee siam mai hum
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Kids not paying enough
Kids not paying enough
For their seats that it.
Disclaimer : This post is a satirical polemics aimed at voice my demused observation. If you are not happy with it, you are welcome to leave your comment. If you really need to quote, thanks to quote the entire post.
Due to a certain disappointment that I felt towards our freely distributed Today, I now almost stop picking it up and declined the offer of a quick peek by my well-intentioned colleagues.
However, as I broke my self-imposed sanction today, I found that even the casual writer to the papers had started to not just whined about how the system and this fair island is not getting it right, but offered interesting solutions to the problem.
I would say that the words by our dear Ms Bhavani of MICA were neither taken lightly nor forgotten. The problem at hand has to do with the age-old problem of the allocation of seats on the bus. It seems that as usual, seat today were allocated based on a first come first get basis, seniority, time due for delivery, laden load of passengers and for that matter fare paid were not part of the equation. This is truly a problem that despite many decades of courtesy campaign and the many revision to the signboards on our world-class public transport failed to address.
Fear not, our people traveled far and wide and have one of the brightest minds, if we cannot invent new ways to solve the problem; we merely borrow them from other places. While their law is unsuitable as a reference despite both sprang from the common of the crown, their method in ensuring fair seating might prove a good reference.
How that goes you might ask. We simply reinvent the sign and remind our young impressionable students that as they pay only a percentage of the fare that is subsidized by the rest of the commuters, they would do well to not hog the seats and give it out. If there are elderly and pregnant ladies or for that matter, full-fare paying adult with bunches of durian in tow, they do very well to give up those seats to the more deserving ones. Brilliant stroke I would say, unfortunately, there are a few minor flaws to this ingenious line of reasoning.
First off, we are having the reasoning that as students paid concession fares, they are less entitled to a fair concession of seats. May I remind one that senior citizens are also paying concession rate fares and if such a rationale to be used across the board, the senior citizen should be standing during off-peak hours. If we expand on this rationale a step further, people below the height of 0.9m should basically only be allowed on public transport when there is empty space as they are traveling for free. Pregnant ladies should also give up their seats when there are more deserving people in need of the seat as they themselves are paying one fare where in fact, 2 or maybe more are traveling. This minor inconsistence can be overlook as the rule of fair seating based on fare need not apply as they are deemed more deserving of a seat. Well, we might need to have means testing of seats for people that takes public transport and those who fails should just get off the nearest MRT station or Bus-stops right this instance to make way for the more deserving.
Next comes the judgment of more deserving of the seats, we are herewith, entrusting the judgment of the neediness of seats to students which among others are not worthy of seats. We might need to ensure that they be trained and be qualified through testing to ensure that they are able to judge on who is more in need of the seat instead of them. During which, we might also need to train them professionally so that they are able to do it while dozing off in the train/ bus and/or reading and/or engross in their PSPs, Nintendo DS and their PMPs.
While those were just some of the minor inconsistencies which I believe our well intented Ms Tan should have some great ideas from some other far off land whose law we need not follow or apply, there are merits to this. This will be the ability to spot fare cheats that are using concessionary passed undeservingly. Meaning working (or for that matter non working) adults using student passes or senior citizens that is yet 65 using senior citizen pass. As concessionary pass holders are now required to give up their seats to deserving full paying commuters, those who are neither student nor senior citizens who gave up their seats can be labeled hence as fare cheats and be bought to the nearest police station for questioning.
I do think that this lady is indeed a genius and is worthy to be a minister (except law) and I will be observing her career with great interest from henceforth.
For their seats that it.
Disclaimer : This post is a satirical polemics aimed at voice my demused observation. If you are not happy with it, you are welcome to leave your comment. If you really need to quote, thanks to quote the entire post.
Due to a certain disappointment that I felt towards our freely distributed Today, I now almost stop picking it up and declined the offer of a quick peek by my well-intentioned colleagues.
However, as I broke my self-imposed sanction today, I found that even the casual writer to the papers had started to not just whined about how the system and this fair island is not getting it right, but offered interesting solutions to the problem.
I would say that the words by our dear Ms Bhavani of MICA were neither taken lightly nor forgotten. The problem at hand has to do with the age-old problem of the allocation of seats on the bus. It seems that as usual, seat today were allocated based on a first come first get basis, seniority, time due for delivery, laden load of passengers and for that matter fare paid were not part of the equation. This is truly a problem that despite many decades of courtesy campaign and the many revision to the signboards on our world-class public transport failed to address.
Fear not, our people traveled far and wide and have one of the brightest minds, if we cannot invent new ways to solve the problem; we merely borrow them from other places. While their law is unsuitable as a reference despite both sprang from the common of the crown, their method in ensuring fair seating might prove a good reference.
How that goes you might ask. We simply reinvent the sign and remind our young impressionable students that as they pay only a percentage of the fare that is subsidized by the rest of the commuters, they would do well to not hog the seats and give it out. If there are elderly and pregnant ladies or for that matter, full-fare paying adult with bunches of durian in tow, they do very well to give up those seats to the more deserving ones. Brilliant stroke I would say, unfortunately, there are a few minor flaws to this ingenious line of reasoning.
First off, we are having the reasoning that as students paid concession fares, they are less entitled to a fair concession of seats. May I remind one that senior citizens are also paying concession rate fares and if such a rationale to be used across the board, the senior citizen should be standing during off-peak hours. If we expand on this rationale a step further, people below the height of 0.9m should basically only be allowed on public transport when there is empty space as they are traveling for free. Pregnant ladies should also give up their seats when there are more deserving people in need of the seat as they themselves are paying one fare where in fact, 2 or maybe more are traveling. This minor inconsistence can be overlook as the rule of fair seating based on fare need not apply as they are deemed more deserving of a seat. Well, we might need to have means testing of seats for people that takes public transport and those who fails should just get off the nearest MRT station or Bus-stops right this instance to make way for the more deserving.
Next comes the judgment of more deserving of the seats, we are herewith, entrusting the judgment of the neediness of seats to students which among others are not worthy of seats. We might need to ensure that they be trained and be qualified through testing to ensure that they are able to judge on who is more in need of the seat instead of them. During which, we might also need to train them professionally so that they are able to do it while dozing off in the train/ bus and/or reading and/or engross in their PSPs, Nintendo DS and their PMPs.
While those were just some of the minor inconsistencies which I believe our well intented Ms Tan should have some great ideas from some other far off land whose law we need not follow or apply, there are merits to this. This will be the ability to spot fare cheats that are using concessionary passed undeservingly. Meaning working (or for that matter non working) adults using student passes or senior citizens that is yet 65 using senior citizen pass. As concessionary pass holders are now required to give up their seats to deserving full paying commuters, those who are neither student nor senior citizens who gave up their seats can be labeled hence as fare cheats and be bought to the nearest police station for questioning.
I do think that this lady is indeed a genius and is worthy to be a minister (except law) and I will be observing her career with great interest from henceforth.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Back and needing some bashing
Back and needing something to smash
Did a quick check and realized that it has been slightly more than a month from my last post. It seems like I am not yet forgotten.
It was not a particular busy month for me but it was a month that sees my level of tolerance and temper sliding southwards and feeling that anger rising up with greater ease at each passing day.
I was under the belief that people tends to mellow and are slower to temper as they age, I guess it is not applied universally. I just feel that I need to reach out and trash something.
In the meantime, to ensure that I do not actually causes physical harm, I have taken up a new online addiction called “Conquer Online” Simply put it is Diablo Online with a Oriental twist. You get to bash people up with 2 weapons being a Trojan, Wear thick armor and take awful lots of damage as a warrior, kill from afar being an archer or cast magic being a Taoist.
The graphics is well but a bit dated. IT is the mindless bashing that interests me. As the game allows players to settle their grievances by killing each other, the lower level character gets to die a lot. This adds on to the impetus to level up, becoming more powerful to be able to hit back at those that tries to PK (Player-kill) you.
The pixilated killing helps to take some of the edge off but I feel that even that, might not be sufficient. Just hope that this whole spell of slow spiraling madness can dispel soon enough.
Anyway, the bottom-line is that, I am back, and I do hope that I can post more often without so much of a block.
Did a quick check and realized that it has been slightly more than a month from my last post. It seems like I am not yet forgotten.
It was not a particular busy month for me but it was a month that sees my level of tolerance and temper sliding southwards and feeling that anger rising up with greater ease at each passing day.
I was under the belief that people tends to mellow and are slower to temper as they age, I guess it is not applied universally. I just feel that I need to reach out and trash something.
In the meantime, to ensure that I do not actually causes physical harm, I have taken up a new online addiction called “Conquer Online” Simply put it is Diablo Online with a Oriental twist. You get to bash people up with 2 weapons being a Trojan, Wear thick armor and take awful lots of damage as a warrior, kill from afar being an archer or cast magic being a Taoist.
The graphics is well but a bit dated. IT is the mindless bashing that interests me. As the game allows players to settle their grievances by killing each other, the lower level character gets to die a lot. This adds on to the impetus to level up, becoming more powerful to be able to hit back at those that tries to PK (Player-kill) you.
The pixilated killing helps to take some of the edge off but I feel that even that, might not be sufficient. Just hope that this whole spell of slow spiraling madness can dispel soon enough.
Anyway, the bottom-line is that, I am back, and I do hope that I can post more often without so much of a block.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Not Today, Mr. Brown
I looked at the last Friday’s edition of Today with a bit of longing, regret and spite. I know that the column which I find solace and a good laugh is no more. As a sign of support and solidarity, I will now fly the ribbon high on this blog to show that yes, I support Mr. Brown and I am not afraid to show it. And I also just received confirmed news that his good buddy and fellow blogger, Mr. Miyagi has also quitted his regular column on Today as well.
All these are but the latest events in the series of events that has taken place after a witty column titled “Singapore are fed, up with progress” which among others, bring a light hearted look to the latest series of price hikes that are going or had taken placed.
Apparently, MICA does not think so and their press secretary came out with a rather strong rebuttal on the column. Soon after, Mr. Brown’s column is being suspended.
Till date, there is still no comments on whys and specifics of the suspension and all enquiries by the interested public to Today’s Editors has been answered with nothing more than a short reply that all enquiries should be directed Ms Bhavani of MICA instead of Today.
In fact, the lack of published letters on the matters just goes to show how the matter is now considered taboo and should be white washed as far as possible. This time, the entire Brown affair has spoken in volume when it says nothing at all, from the voices of concerned public.
Serving public office has its many perks, one of which is that you can say things and make it the official and only voice on the issue (and this case the only voice as the other side has been silenced). This purportedly makes it sounds like Mr. Brown caused a number of unhappiness when he talks about the rising cost and how they coincide with the timing of the elections. The unhappy part was right on the dollar, but more with how everything followed the patterns so described by Mr. Brown.
You asked for people to make comment to stand up and prepare to defend their position when you remove their voice. You talked about the rights to state your view as long as I am responsible for it. Well, now we want to be responsible, we want a voice and we are silenced. Unlike 10 years ago where information can be fenced inside a border, today, information demands its birth right to flow freely to where they are sorted and they will. If the local MSM deems this something to be whitewashed, the blogger will take it upon themselves to make their voice heard. Already, I hear the low roar of the distant wave that will sweep us. We ask not for a revolution, we ask not for strife, riot or to displace the establishment. All we ask is for the silence to be lifted and for our voice to be heard. Hear us while we speak rationally and understand that we take to task not just the words said at the rally but for their actual manifestation for all to see. Failing that, it is nothing more than words. Well, If not today, maybe tomorrow or the next , or the day after, but as long as we start and strive, we will have our voice and place.
All these are but the latest events in the series of events that has taken place after a witty column titled “Singapore are fed, up with progress” which among others, bring a light hearted look to the latest series of price hikes that are going or had taken placed.
Apparently, MICA does not think so and their press secretary came out with a rather strong rebuttal on the column. Soon after, Mr. Brown’s column is being suspended.
Till date, there is still no comments on whys and specifics of the suspension and all enquiries by the interested public to Today’s Editors has been answered with nothing more than a short reply that all enquiries should be directed Ms Bhavani of MICA instead of Today.
In fact, the lack of published letters on the matters just goes to show how the matter is now considered taboo and should be white washed as far as possible. This time, the entire Brown affair has spoken in volume when it says nothing at all, from the voices of concerned public.
Serving public office has its many perks, one of which is that you can say things and make it the official and only voice on the issue (and this case the only voice as the other side has been silenced). This purportedly makes it sounds like Mr. Brown caused a number of unhappiness when he talks about the rising cost and how they coincide with the timing of the elections. The unhappy part was right on the dollar, but more with how everything followed the patterns so described by Mr. Brown.
You asked for people to make comment to stand up and prepare to defend their position when you remove their voice. You talked about the rights to state your view as long as I am responsible for it. Well, now we want to be responsible, we want a voice and we are silenced. Unlike 10 years ago where information can be fenced inside a border, today, information demands its birth right to flow freely to where they are sorted and they will. If the local MSM deems this something to be whitewashed, the blogger will take it upon themselves to make their voice heard. Already, I hear the low roar of the distant wave that will sweep us. We ask not for a revolution, we ask not for strife, riot or to displace the establishment. All we ask is for the silence to be lifted and for our voice to be heard. Hear us while we speak rationally and understand that we take to task not just the words said at the rally but for their actual manifestation for all to see. Failing that, it is nothing more than words. Well, If not today, maybe tomorrow or the next , or the day after, but as long as we start and strive, we will have our voice and place.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Evaded by sleep
It is probably one of those nights again where sandman failed to drop by to blow some dust on me to send me into lala land. No, I do not fault him for that as I am probably the one at fault.
It probably started off with the hours I kept while in Europe. With the day long, night short and the long schedule, I spent no more than 4 hours a day asleep while I was there. The meetings and drinkings did not helped either.
While I stayed away longer, I can't help but felt surreal the moment that I came home that I felt a sense of detachment. It does seems like there is a think veil between the reality and myself. Nothing seems real anymore and the sense of detachment while abated slightly, is still there nagging at me.
I cannot really tell what is wrong with me, or for that matter, what is wrong with those around me. I do hope that I get to the bottom of it and soon.
Some associate it with the sense of fatigue, but I do know that there has to be a second wind somewhere and I do hope that I catch it soon during this 2 weeks of ICT.
I really do not know what is wrong, or maybe, just maybe, I know but I am just blocking it out as repression is a way the mind deals with problems that it does not wish to cope.
Either way, I sure hope that I can get all these fixed and real soon.
It probably started off with the hours I kept while in Europe. With the day long, night short and the long schedule, I spent no more than 4 hours a day asleep while I was there. The meetings and drinkings did not helped either.
While I stayed away longer, I can't help but felt surreal the moment that I came home that I felt a sense of detachment. It does seems like there is a think veil between the reality and myself. Nothing seems real anymore and the sense of detachment while abated slightly, is still there nagging at me.
I cannot really tell what is wrong with me, or for that matter, what is wrong with those around me. I do hope that I get to the bottom of it and soon.
Some associate it with the sense of fatigue, but I do know that there has to be a second wind somewhere and I do hope that I catch it soon during this 2 weeks of ICT.
I really do not know what is wrong, or maybe, just maybe, I know but I am just blocking it out as repression is a way the mind deals with problems that it does not wish to cope.
Either way, I sure hope that I can get all these fixed and real soon.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The Five Love Languages
Just came across this test Ifind it interesting
Physical Touch and Quality Time.
Take the quiz
But what I feel is that, there is a need always to communicate and feel love which make us who we are. What have we here is the tools to cut the distance and time which were boundaries to communicate to work as a jail rather than a tool.
As we get more connected, we get ever more lonely
The Five Love Languages
My primary love languages are probablyPhysical Touch and Quality Time.
Complete set of results
Physical Touch: | 7 | |
Quality Time: | 7 | |
Acts of Service: | 6 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 6 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 3 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.Take the quiz
But what I feel is that, there is a need always to communicate and feel love which make us who we are. What have we here is the tools to cut the distance and time which were boundaries to communicate to work as a jail rather than a tool.
As we get more connected, we get ever more lonely
Monday, May 08, 2006
Seems like it is tough being James Gomez.
First off, he did not hand in a form on National TV. Neither did his apologies managed to soothe the angry mo out there baying for his blood. Being called a liar by our founding father and losing the election at 12-percentage point (some call it landslide in some countries). And now, it seems like he might just very well lose his job and that either a big chunk of money or his freedom for a couple of year and even both. This indeed is a dark time for him.
For those out there following this case, some might just reckon that he is finally served his comeuppance and that he deserved to be thrown into the darkest corner of Changi and with the keys thrown away.
Now the fun part was that, all along, his detractors called him a liar and a one-man wayang. However, instead of pressing charges like misleading the Election Board or for that matter, lying and cheating, he has been slapped with criminal intimidation. Which is interesting to see that someone pointing a finger at an official and swearing that there will be consequences have hell to pay while his lying and cheating ways and the gross disregard for the whole election process, the act of misleading the public is being looked over.
While the jury is still out on him intimidating someone with criminal intent and that if he is truly a liar and a cheat despite what the founding father said. One thing is for sure that he will not be going anywhere far and that his political career is being impounded as with his passport.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
And the vote is cast
And the vote is cast
With the last count of the vote done and all the result announced, it seems like the distribution of power did not change with the passing of the election.
However, an obvious trend that did not go unnoticed was the increase in the percentage of votes garnered by the oppositions had gone up noticeably. While the Prime Minister walked away to what he claims to be a strong mandate, the opposition probably celebrated their baby step towards a long road to having more voice in the opposition.
For Mr Chiam, what it meant for him is that the people in Potong Pasir wanted him to stay and while Mr Setoh and Mr Low (Eric) would need to work harder to hand out even more goodies till the next election, either that, or their chief might just have them replaced as they made little headway to winning back the 2 seats after 10 years of hard work.
What I am looking forward to would be:
1). Would Steve Chia make good his word and exit politics altogether?
2). Who will be the new NCMPs and will we have 5 instead of 1?
3). Would Potong Pasir be drawn into a GRC in the next time?
4). Or would Mr Chiam be SERS out of another victory?
5). Will SDP finally become a opposition party that walk into the history
6). Will it be 200 Million dollar carrot for Hougang in 2011.
7). Will Gomez be sent to jail?
Anyway, it has been an interesting election and as we go back to life as usual, I do hope that the oppositions take this as a shot in the arm to spur them on and does not trip over themselves, falling flat and disappoint the people anymore.
And I do hope that those being put in power understand the underlying sentiments the numbers in the poll, the slight swing and knows that while carrots and candies are nice, but we prefer not to have a drumstick only to return a chicken or 2 even.
With the last count of the vote done and all the result announced, it seems like the distribution of power did not change with the passing of the election.
However, an obvious trend that did not go unnoticed was the increase in the percentage of votes garnered by the oppositions had gone up noticeably. While the Prime Minister walked away to what he claims to be a strong mandate, the opposition probably celebrated their baby step towards a long road to having more voice in the opposition.
For Mr Chiam, what it meant for him is that the people in Potong Pasir wanted him to stay and while Mr Setoh and Mr Low (Eric) would need to work harder to hand out even more goodies till the next election, either that, or their chief might just have them replaced as they made little headway to winning back the 2 seats after 10 years of hard work.
What I am looking forward to would be:
1). Would Steve Chia make good his word and exit politics altogether?
2). Who will be the new NCMPs and will we have 5 instead of 1?
3). Would Potong Pasir be drawn into a GRC in the next time?
4). Or would Mr Chiam be SERS out of another victory?
5). Will SDP finally become a opposition party that walk into the history
6). Will it be 200 Million dollar carrot for Hougang in 2011.
7). Will Gomez be sent to jail?
Anyway, it has been an interesting election and as we go back to life as usual, I do hope that the oppositions take this as a shot in the arm to spur them on and does not trip over themselves, falling flat and disappoint the people anymore.
And I do hope that those being put in power understand the underlying sentiments the numbers in the poll, the slight swing and knows that while carrots and candies are nice, but we prefer not to have a drumstick only to return a chicken or 2 even.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Why my vote matters and why I don't give a damn
Why my vote matters and why I don give a damn
In another 10 hours, all the talks shall see its culmination into the number of votes each side. If there is a common underlying message from all aspiring and veteran politician taken to stage for the last 2 week, it will be that the people’s vote matter. 1.22 million Votes will be cast with 37 seats being the prize.
Take a step back to a week earlier, where son and father take to the media and engage the people. While the Prime Minister had a good time taking on people from all walks of life on a feel good session, where with a few quick promises were made and delivered quickly.
His father and mentor took on a younger generation which consist mainly of first and second time voters, some never see the inside of a voting station ever since walkover becomes a term as popular as elections. While they try to ask tough question to the battle-hardened old battle-axe, they seems to be more trying to step on themselves and each others. They came across as a bunch of uncouth, camera hogging ingrates trying to act like adults asking childish spoilt brats. In fact, my own take is that someone has just put a bunch of sheep into the den of a lion and all of them spoiling for a fight and hoping that they can win; not a prayer. However, if they are to be used as gauge for the sentiment of this generation of voters, it is obvious that there exist an extremely wide gulf, more of a chasm in the thinking between the old and the young. While the old guy assumes that we want a fight and a more lively parliament at the cost of political and hence national stability, I feel that what we are hoping is for once, to have a voice that check and balance the system; a parliament that will not gives you an answer that what is decided had been decided and there are reasons, full stops. All we want is in simple truth, to have a government that not just delivers, but willing to stop and listen for once before shoving what they feel is right down our throat. We can only bite so many bullets before 1 slip past and blow our head out. That is not really a tall order for a world-class government, is it?
As the time draws near, one opposition party unfurled its party manifestos quietly at its website leading to criticisms from the incumbent and asked the opposition to withdraw its manifestos citing its dangerous thinking and seditious nature. And it is this expose from the incumbent that the rest of the populace heard and learnt of the manifestos.
Moving ahead in time, as the incumbent shows its hand and introduces new faces while retiring old ones, they were taunting the oppositions to do the same and that the oppositions, probably wiser as they are now experienced, choose not to answer the taunt and hold their card close. But while the new faces from the incumbent goes to show that they are serious about self-renewal, the oppositions’ new faces are considered wet behind the ears, unknown and lack of a proven track record, so much for consistencies in definitions. While we have people in the parliament that stays on even past 80s, some opposition parliament members have served too long and should leave making way for younger members of the incumbent.
Even nomination did not go on without much fan fare and hullabaloos. There were surprises as some supposedly hot constituencies were given a miss while some were challenged. One surprises was the challenge by young first time opposition against the Prime minister and his team. This however, pales in comparison to an opposition candidate, a form to prove that he is of minority origin, a video that proves that he put it back into his bag and a phone tapping which he told of the consequences to the ELD officials. This took the center stage in the entire campaign till 2 days before the polling date while everything else took a backseat. Every single member of the incumbent took up arms and had a jab demanding for apologies and at a latter stage, a withdrawal. So much so, that the Minister of Home Affair even made a statement that 4 member team can run in a 5seat GRCs, which is only later being refuted by the Minister for Foreign Affair. It really does leads 1 to wonder if there really is a rule to the game or that one side can make it up and change it as they goes along. Of course, one can always claim that the Election Department is independent and neutral. But the Gomezgate issue leads 1 to wonder how independent it is and that promises made on certain constituencies will stay as single seat instead of being merged into neighboring GRCs leads one to consider that the electoral boundaries can be influenced.
IF there is another name for the time of rally, it will be called the time of wonders whereby for contested constituencies, their MPs suddenly appear everyday to shake hand, and if you have a problem, you can talk to them and they might just simply whisk it away with a little magic wand. This is also the time where other than abalone porridges, they get million dollar upgrade and estate improvement plan if they happens to be an opposition ward and that they will only get it if the incumbent’s candidate gets voted in. Our Prime Minister once commented that money politics and pork barreling had been the scourge of Japan politics. While here, the 100 Million dollar carrot is nothing more than improvement plan for the estate and that progress package is nothing more than to share the fruits of the nation’s success despite the obvious coincidence that the payout is done a week before the nation goes to the poll. Besides fielding candidates where some put the party and the leader’s integrity to question, the oppositions, if elected in greater numbers will also become a problem of which requires our Prime Minister’s personal attention and fixing (ok, should read countering after the secretary correct it a day after) and that they are a great distraction which will hinder the countries progress. The thought of oppositions in the parliament getting spayed and neutered was a bit disturbing.
One of the issues that were scantly mentioned was the NKF debacle. This could well be because of the recent high profile defamation suite bought against the infamous Chee brother and sister as well as the rest of the SDP. The possibility of sub judice could play an important factor in making it a taboo subject. The issue is not about the government but more of transparency. While the Minster for Health managed to sort it out in 1 afternoon as the old NKF management seek him out and resigned en-mass and left him to appoint an interim management which went about cleaning up the mess. The question that failed to answer was that, with a few whistle being blown in the past, why wasn’t the issue being bought out in the open and that do we have enough check and balance to prevent a similar incident to happen and in its worst possibility, a government agencies. We had seen the passing of Sarbane Oxley in the wake of Enron and MCI but yet little is being done here in the matter of legislative measures being taken in the wake of NKF.
If there is one thing I agree with, it will be that the whole election is and will always be about the future. While it is important to know who brought about the success this nation has enjoyed in the past, it is even more important to consider what we want for the next 5 years and the 5 years after. Is it stability that we want? Check and balance? Uncertainty as we vote in the unknown? I do know that despite the great turn out in the Opposition’s rally is by no means a given that they will be voted in. But I am heartened to see that the oppositions are slowly getting its act together and they are now on their long road to getting their credibility a boost. However, as not all oppositions are created equal, I do hope that this election will see some clowns making curtain calls and bowed out as it is way overdue for them to get off the political stage of Singapore. As for me, polling day is truly a vacation as I am in a GRC that is a walkover. Which is why, despite all these, I don’t really give a damn…. I am sure the MPs of this constituency don’t care as well, at least for the next 5 years.
For those that are voting, have a care and vote carefully.
In another 10 hours, all the talks shall see its culmination into the number of votes each side. If there is a common underlying message from all aspiring and veteran politician taken to stage for the last 2 week, it will be that the people’s vote matter. 1.22 million Votes will be cast with 37 seats being the prize.
Take a step back to a week earlier, where son and father take to the media and engage the people. While the Prime Minister had a good time taking on people from all walks of life on a feel good session, where with a few quick promises were made and delivered quickly.
His father and mentor took on a younger generation which consist mainly of first and second time voters, some never see the inside of a voting station ever since walkover becomes a term as popular as elections. While they try to ask tough question to the battle-hardened old battle-axe, they seems to be more trying to step on themselves and each others. They came across as a bunch of uncouth, camera hogging ingrates trying to act like adults asking childish spoilt brats. In fact, my own take is that someone has just put a bunch of sheep into the den of a lion and all of them spoiling for a fight and hoping that they can win; not a prayer. However, if they are to be used as gauge for the sentiment of this generation of voters, it is obvious that there exist an extremely wide gulf, more of a chasm in the thinking between the old and the young. While the old guy assumes that we want a fight and a more lively parliament at the cost of political and hence national stability, I feel that what we are hoping is for once, to have a voice that check and balance the system; a parliament that will not gives you an answer that what is decided had been decided and there are reasons, full stops. All we want is in simple truth, to have a government that not just delivers, but willing to stop and listen for once before shoving what they feel is right down our throat. We can only bite so many bullets before 1 slip past and blow our head out. That is not really a tall order for a world-class government, is it?
As the time draws near, one opposition party unfurled its party manifestos quietly at its website leading to criticisms from the incumbent and asked the opposition to withdraw its manifestos citing its dangerous thinking and seditious nature. And it is this expose from the incumbent that the rest of the populace heard and learnt of the manifestos.
Moving ahead in time, as the incumbent shows its hand and introduces new faces while retiring old ones, they were taunting the oppositions to do the same and that the oppositions, probably wiser as they are now experienced, choose not to answer the taunt and hold their card close. But while the new faces from the incumbent goes to show that they are serious about self-renewal, the oppositions’ new faces are considered wet behind the ears, unknown and lack of a proven track record, so much for consistencies in definitions. While we have people in the parliament that stays on even past 80s, some opposition parliament members have served too long and should leave making way for younger members of the incumbent.
Even nomination did not go on without much fan fare and hullabaloos. There were surprises as some supposedly hot constituencies were given a miss while some were challenged. One surprises was the challenge by young first time opposition against the Prime minister and his team. This however, pales in comparison to an opposition candidate, a form to prove that he is of minority origin, a video that proves that he put it back into his bag and a phone tapping which he told of the consequences to the ELD officials. This took the center stage in the entire campaign till 2 days before the polling date while everything else took a backseat. Every single member of the incumbent took up arms and had a jab demanding for apologies and at a latter stage, a withdrawal. So much so, that the Minister of Home Affair even made a statement that 4 member team can run in a 5seat GRCs, which is only later being refuted by the Minister for Foreign Affair. It really does leads 1 to wonder if there really is a rule to the game or that one side can make it up and change it as they goes along. Of course, one can always claim that the Election Department is independent and neutral. But the Gomezgate issue leads 1 to wonder how independent it is and that promises made on certain constituencies will stay as single seat instead of being merged into neighboring GRCs leads one to consider that the electoral boundaries can be influenced.
IF there is another name for the time of rally, it will be called the time of wonders whereby for contested constituencies, their MPs suddenly appear everyday to shake hand, and if you have a problem, you can talk to them and they might just simply whisk it away with a little magic wand. This is also the time where other than abalone porridges, they get million dollar upgrade and estate improvement plan if they happens to be an opposition ward and that they will only get it if the incumbent’s candidate gets voted in. Our Prime Minister once commented that money politics and pork barreling had been the scourge of Japan politics. While here, the 100 Million dollar carrot is nothing more than improvement plan for the estate and that progress package is nothing more than to share the fruits of the nation’s success despite the obvious coincidence that the payout is done a week before the nation goes to the poll. Besides fielding candidates where some put the party and the leader’s integrity to question, the oppositions, if elected in greater numbers will also become a problem of which requires our Prime Minister’s personal attention and fixing (ok, should read countering after the secretary correct it a day after) and that they are a great distraction which will hinder the countries progress. The thought of oppositions in the parliament getting spayed and neutered was a bit disturbing.
One of the issues that were scantly mentioned was the NKF debacle. This could well be because of the recent high profile defamation suite bought against the infamous Chee brother and sister as well as the rest of the SDP. The possibility of sub judice could play an important factor in making it a taboo subject. The issue is not about the government but more of transparency. While the Minster for Health managed to sort it out in 1 afternoon as the old NKF management seek him out and resigned en-mass and left him to appoint an interim management which went about cleaning up the mess. The question that failed to answer was that, with a few whistle being blown in the past, why wasn’t the issue being bought out in the open and that do we have enough check and balance to prevent a similar incident to happen and in its worst possibility, a government agencies. We had seen the passing of Sarbane Oxley in the wake of Enron and MCI but yet little is being done here in the matter of legislative measures being taken in the wake of NKF.
If there is one thing I agree with, it will be that the whole election is and will always be about the future. While it is important to know who brought about the success this nation has enjoyed in the past, it is even more important to consider what we want for the next 5 years and the 5 years after. Is it stability that we want? Check and balance? Uncertainty as we vote in the unknown? I do know that despite the great turn out in the Opposition’s rally is by no means a given that they will be voted in. But I am heartened to see that the oppositions are slowly getting its act together and they are now on their long road to getting their credibility a boost. However, as not all oppositions are created equal, I do hope that this election will see some clowns making curtain calls and bowed out as it is way overdue for them to get off the political stage of Singapore. As for me, polling day is truly a vacation as I am in a GRC that is a walkover. Which is why, despite all these, I don’t really give a damn…. I am sure the MPs of this constituency don’t care as well, at least for the next 5 years.
For those that are voting, have a care and vote carefully.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
A Hiatus too long
The events the months past went by a bit too quickly, more like a blur when looking back. Quite a bit was done and it seems like I am just catching a short breath before being caught in another furor of events later in the year.
What transpire since the last entry till now you might enquire? A few, getting called up for my first in camp since the farewell to arms 7 years back for one; Getting the new nest all set up to move in as another; To get the Chinese customary between my wife and me over and done with, to top it all off.
Not a lot to say but believe you me, it was quite a handful. It is getting harder and harder to sit back and write it all down and harder to get back to the habit of posting thoughts and putting it this way, putting it my way as I keep slacking. Try I did and endeavor I shall to carry on to regale you the deeds of men (women) and the passing of the events as I put it. I shall try until the next series of events makes me take my leave.
What transpire since the last entry till now you might enquire? A few, getting called up for my first in camp since the farewell to arms 7 years back for one; Getting the new nest all set up to move in as another; To get the Chinese customary between my wife and me over and done with, to top it all off.
Not a lot to say but believe you me, it was quite a handful. It is getting harder and harder to sit back and write it all down and harder to get back to the habit of posting thoughts and putting it this way, putting it my way as I keep slacking. Try I did and endeavor I shall to carry on to regale you the deeds of men (women) and the passing of the events as I put it. I shall try until the next series of events makes me take my leave.
Monday, February 06, 2006
A new cycle of moon
Despite being only a mere change of the lunar calendar, heaps of activities took place that depleted me of any energy and will to blog for the two short weeks past. That and a need to ponder on the topic to blog on was also part of the hindrance that presence itself. That and the fact that I am now blogging to you from the latest addition to the family of adopted computer in the family while the other two desktops decided that they want a new installation of their operating systems did not helped improve the situation.
Despite being a bit late, I still would like to wish the readers, supporters, detractors and all visitors, a happy year of the Fire Dog and may the year even more bountiful than the last and all ill fortunes dissipate like the last page on the previous calendar.
Despite being a bit late, I still would like to wish the readers, supporters, detractors and all visitors, a happy year of the Fire Dog and may the year even more bountiful than the last and all ill fortunes dissipate like the last page on the previous calendar.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Little Pavin
While the furor over Mr. Tan’s return has finally boiled over and that the law of the land has passed its first reading, there seems to still be background noise of those who decided that National Service is beneath them. One of them, which I read with utter distaste, was a letter by a little runt who decided that his motherland is nothing more than a nuisance.
The letters is as follows:
Jan 18, 2006Let those who intend to emigrate opt out of NS I REFER to the Insight article, 'Doers & dodgers: Time to heal the rift?' (ST, Jan 14). I share the same sentiment as Mr. Paul Wong, feeling no allegiance to Singapore and not being able to assimilate into Singaporean culture even though I was born and raised here.As a child, I grew up watching classic American movies and cartoons, and listening to American-genre music like country, southern gospel and classic American oldies.My paternal aunts and uncles are Ivy League students and speak with a slight American accent and use American grammar in speech. I was influenced by them.Because I am the child of a Thai father and a Singaporean mother, I am a citizen of both Thailand and Singapore. I hold a Singapore passport and will have to serve national service next year.I do not intend to live in Singapore and, in fact, have made serious plans to emigrate to the United States in future.Many friends of mine who have gone overseas to study intend to settle down in their host country after serving national service. I do not support the evasion of national service but I appeal to the Government to make some changes to the policy.For those who do not intend to live in Singapore, there is no purpose in serving national service. It is a waste of resources for the Government and a waste of time for those affected. In my case, I will renounce my Singapore citizenship at age 21 and take on Thai citizenship. The US will be my home in future and if a war breaks out between Singapore and the US, God forbid, obviously I would help to defend the US and fight Singapore if need be.Therefore, I do not see the purpose of training men who might 'turn against' their country in unforeseen circumstances.Perhaps the Ministry of Defence could come up with a policy to permit those who intend to emigrate to opt out of national service but if they do not leave by a certain age, then they would be drafted. Patriotism and loyalty cannot be forced. It is ultimately up to an individual whether he wants to serve the country.Pavin Limanont
Little Pavin, There is only 1 thing that I give you, that is you actually have the gall to say such things. You are probably outspoken and truthful but really, I hope you are not out to just get your 15 min of fame.
Well, if its infirmary that you want, you had achieve it. In fact, while some corners of Singapore might honor Mr. Melvin Tan for his return and his accomplishment in music, we really have nothing but scorn for you. First off, for 17 years of your miserable life, you have been given a somewhat safe environment to grow up in, your parents need not fear that you have been kidnapped nor worried that you have either take too much marijuana or shot yourselves in the stupor that follows. Neither was there fear that your skin color might not be accepted among equals and be relegated to being second-class citizen.
Your education, while might not have been the best in the world and perfect, had allowed you to write a letter that is legible despite its distasteful content. Unfortunately, you are still a failure of the system, as it did not inculcate a value of honor and patriotism to the country that you grew up in. It could be by your very nature vile and lack of a sound morale fiber. As such, you are more a liability than an asset to any country that you pledge your allegiance to. If 17 years did not leave a single shred of belongingness to a country which did you no wrong, woes to the 1 that you are disgruntled or might eventually be disillusioned to as you will not hesitate to sell your gun to whomever that caught your fancy. The lacking in principle likens you to a snake, which has no spine and bends. (Sorry to all the snakes that I offended, ok, worm…. sorry to the worms too)
I was born in Malaysia and am now a Singapore Citizen. The path that I partook was not easy and that I always remember the difficulties that my mother and I went through just so that I can be a Singapore Citizen. It was more of a struggle that took 15 years and I always look back with a tinge of pride when I received my pink IC. While I might not agree with some of the policies and the rationale of the Nation, but if asked to, taking up arms and laying down my life is something that I would not hesitate to do.
I in fact feel sorry for your mother and your paternal aunts and uncles, which are probably good people capable in their own rights, to have someone like you associated with them is probably tarnish to their good names. Having relatives that are Ivy League graduate does not qualify you automatically to greatness. You probably have to prove it and work at it rather than just coming here and bitch about it.
Little Pavin, if you are not happy with being called up to serve the nation, just go. You are free to go to that Ivy league colleague of yours and study and get your little head-start in life like so many who did. In fact, some of them were sponsored by this nation, which you spurned and while not all, a great many of them do come back, served their time for this nation. That in a word is called gratitude, the meaning of which might be alien to one such as you.
The only reason that I see you writing this letter at this time is that, you do not cut it for Ivy League, In fact, I even wonder if your O level was anything to write home about. Which is why you are writing this letter in a hope that they will let you get away with it without your parents needing to pay a bomb for an oversea education that will be lost on you, not to mentioned the 30K bond that they will need to put up of which you will surely caused it to be forfeited.
All in all, I would say that you are lost cause, while you come out and say what you feel, you just reaffirm that you and others like you are nothing more than some self-centered pukes that I despise.
Really, if you want out, go now; just get out, right now.
The letters is as follows:
Jan 18, 2006Let those who intend to emigrate opt out of NS I REFER to the Insight article, 'Doers & dodgers: Time to heal the rift?' (ST, Jan 14). I share the same sentiment as Mr. Paul Wong, feeling no allegiance to Singapore and not being able to assimilate into Singaporean culture even though I was born and raised here.As a child, I grew up watching classic American movies and cartoons, and listening to American-genre music like country, southern gospel and classic American oldies.My paternal aunts and uncles are Ivy League students and speak with a slight American accent and use American grammar in speech. I was influenced by them.Because I am the child of a Thai father and a Singaporean mother, I am a citizen of both Thailand and Singapore. I hold a Singapore passport and will have to serve national service next year.I do not intend to live in Singapore and, in fact, have made serious plans to emigrate to the United States in future.Many friends of mine who have gone overseas to study intend to settle down in their host country after serving national service. I do not support the evasion of national service but I appeal to the Government to make some changes to the policy.For those who do not intend to live in Singapore, there is no purpose in serving national service. It is a waste of resources for the Government and a waste of time for those affected. In my case, I will renounce my Singapore citizenship at age 21 and take on Thai citizenship. The US will be my home in future and if a war breaks out between Singapore and the US, God forbid, obviously I would help to defend the US and fight Singapore if need be.Therefore, I do not see the purpose of training men who might 'turn against' their country in unforeseen circumstances.Perhaps the Ministry of Defence could come up with a policy to permit those who intend to emigrate to opt out of national service but if they do not leave by a certain age, then they would be drafted. Patriotism and loyalty cannot be forced. It is ultimately up to an individual whether he wants to serve the country.Pavin Limanont
Little Pavin, There is only 1 thing that I give you, that is you actually have the gall to say such things. You are probably outspoken and truthful but really, I hope you are not out to just get your 15 min of fame.
Well, if its infirmary that you want, you had achieve it. In fact, while some corners of Singapore might honor Mr. Melvin Tan for his return and his accomplishment in music, we really have nothing but scorn for you. First off, for 17 years of your miserable life, you have been given a somewhat safe environment to grow up in, your parents need not fear that you have been kidnapped nor worried that you have either take too much marijuana or shot yourselves in the stupor that follows. Neither was there fear that your skin color might not be accepted among equals and be relegated to being second-class citizen.
Your education, while might not have been the best in the world and perfect, had allowed you to write a letter that is legible despite its distasteful content. Unfortunately, you are still a failure of the system, as it did not inculcate a value of honor and patriotism to the country that you grew up in. It could be by your very nature vile and lack of a sound morale fiber. As such, you are more a liability than an asset to any country that you pledge your allegiance to. If 17 years did not leave a single shred of belongingness to a country which did you no wrong, woes to the 1 that you are disgruntled or might eventually be disillusioned to as you will not hesitate to sell your gun to whomever that caught your fancy. The lacking in principle likens you to a snake, which has no spine and bends. (Sorry to all the snakes that I offended, ok, worm…. sorry to the worms too)
I was born in Malaysia and am now a Singapore Citizen. The path that I partook was not easy and that I always remember the difficulties that my mother and I went through just so that I can be a Singapore Citizen. It was more of a struggle that took 15 years and I always look back with a tinge of pride when I received my pink IC. While I might not agree with some of the policies and the rationale of the Nation, but if asked to, taking up arms and laying down my life is something that I would not hesitate to do.
I in fact feel sorry for your mother and your paternal aunts and uncles, which are probably good people capable in their own rights, to have someone like you associated with them is probably tarnish to their good names. Having relatives that are Ivy League graduate does not qualify you automatically to greatness. You probably have to prove it and work at it rather than just coming here and bitch about it.
Little Pavin, if you are not happy with being called up to serve the nation, just go. You are free to go to that Ivy league colleague of yours and study and get your little head-start in life like so many who did. In fact, some of them were sponsored by this nation, which you spurned and while not all, a great many of them do come back, served their time for this nation. That in a word is called gratitude, the meaning of which might be alien to one such as you.
The only reason that I see you writing this letter at this time is that, you do not cut it for Ivy League, In fact, I even wonder if your O level was anything to write home about. Which is why you are writing this letter in a hope that they will let you get away with it without your parents needing to pay a bomb for an oversea education that will be lost on you, not to mentioned the 30K bond that they will need to put up of which you will surely caused it to be forfeited.
All in all, I would say that you are lost cause, while you come out and say what you feel, you just reaffirm that you and others like you are nothing more than some self-centered pukes that I despise.
Really, if you want out, go now; just get out, right now.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Food (Dis)tasting
This is the first and the only time that I am doing this, so there is alot of things that I am doing for the first and I do hope that as the only time, it can be just ok.
However, I seems to keep getting spanner into my plans, having problem with the photo studio, interior decor company and now the restraunt.
By all meaning and intend, food tasting is for us to know for sure and be confident of the dishes that will be served during the wedding banquet. Unfortunately, the food tasting left me with distaste and abolute despair about the food served.
The whole food experience can be summarised with just 1 word: Bland.
the vegetables are just raw vegetables cooked. Something that even someone that doesn;t know how to cook will probably do better if they follow a cookbook. It all tasted like the cook never bothered to put in the right sauce.
The fish tasted weird and out of all the comments, everyone either thought that it is over or undercocked or just plain weird.
In summary, the whole experience made me look forward to the wedding dinner with dread.
I would hope that they can come out with some miracle to salvage the whole thing.... But hope, like miracle is a denial of truth.
However, I seems to keep getting spanner into my plans, having problem with the photo studio, interior decor company and now the restraunt.
By all meaning and intend, food tasting is for us to know for sure and be confident of the dishes that will be served during the wedding banquet. Unfortunately, the food tasting left me with distaste and abolute despair about the food served.
The whole food experience can be summarised with just 1 word: Bland.
the vegetables are just raw vegetables cooked. Something that even someone that doesn;t know how to cook will probably do better if they follow a cookbook. It all tasted like the cook never bothered to put in the right sauce.
The fish tasted weird and out of all the comments, everyone either thought that it is over or undercocked or just plain weird.
In summary, the whole experience made me look forward to the wedding dinner with dread.
I would hope that they can come out with some miracle to salvage the whole thing.... But hope, like miracle is a denial of truth.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A new year, a new profile

Seems like it is high time for a makeover. As such, I have change my
profile picture just so that you can try to find our how I look like
(close enough). As you can see..... I have 2 hands and you can try to
ID me base on my left hand. In case, you are wondering, the laptop is a
Compaq nc6220.........
Anyway, those who know who I am.....knows how I look like....for those
that doesn't.... I guess it really doesn't matter...(Does it???)
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