Words and pictures are nothing more than just information that mimes the real world. As they are put in a way, Let me put it this way, my way.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Learning the road
I am glad to say that I make that step today and started on my driving lesson.
Say what you may, but I have decided to take the less popular path and sign up with a private instructor.
After my not so fantastic dinner at Delifrance Lot-1, I went down to Bukit Gombak MRT to meet the instructor, which seems to be a rather experienced instructor with many years of experience written on his face.
I guess its a bit unbelievable for someone in their early 30s to take on to the steering wheel for the very first time and I keep getting this question for the first 15 min of the session... but... truth being so, what can I say.
I was quite taken back when the car keep stalling when I get behin the wheel, but as the session went on, I start to get smoother and stop throwing everyone in the car all over.....
Managed to at least get on to the second gear without a dent on any car and absolutely zero road kill.
The scary part is that, my instructor will like me to be on the road at the next session....So, if you happen to be anywhere near Bukit Gombak, Bukit Batok, Choa Chu Kang area... stay clear of the road and if you see me behind the wheel of the L plate... please hor... Siam as far as you can.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Letter to Optimus
The proof below from http://mcsweeneys.net/2007/7/9weaver.html
- - - -
Dear Mr. Prime,
We have received your accident-claim reports for the month of June—they total 27. I regret to inform you that GEICO will not be able to reimburse you for any of those repairs. I feel that I have sent the same letter to you once a month for the last six months, and I am now sending it again.
Since becoming a GEICO customer in January of this year, you have reported 131 accidents, requesting reimbursement for repairs necessitated by each one. You have claimed not to be responsible in any of them, usually listing the cause of the accident as either "Sneak attack by Decepticons" or "Unavoidable damage caused by protecting freedom for all sentient beings."
The only repairs for which you were reimbursed were the replacement of a cracked fender and a headlight, required after a Mr. I. Ron Hide backed his van into your truck; these cost $1,286.63. Our own investigation concluded that you were not at fault and that Mr. Hide had been drinking prior to the accident. Though police were unable to test his blood-alcohol level—Mr. Hide claimed that it would be impossible for police to examine his blood-alcohol content with a Breathalyzer, because he "doesn't breathe"—under Washington-state law, refusal to take a Breathalyzer test is equivalent to returning a result above the legal level.
But, I repeat, those were the only repairs for which you have been reimbursed, and it was a very minor accident in comparison to your other claims. I mention a few to illustrate the larger trend:
* $379,431.34 requested reimbursement for repairs to your truck cabin. You claimed the damage was caused by attacking fighter jets.
* $665,789.11 requested reimbursement for repairs to your trailer. You claimed the damage was caused by a giant mechanical scorpion, which I can only assume is some amusement-park ride, although I question the wisdom of bringing your mobile home so close to such dangerous equipment.
* $6,564,239.44 requested reimbursement for repairs to a truck part called the "Autobot Matrix of Leadership." You stated this occurred in "an ultimate confrontation between good and evil," with a Ms. Meg Atron and a Mr. U. Nicron causing the damage in question. Mr. Prime, I have checked every known car- and truck-part catalog published in the United States and have found nothing even resembling that part, never mind any part so expensive. Whatever disagreements you had with Ms. Atron and Mr. Nicron, I suggest that next time you either settle things peaceably or leave your Autobot Matrix of Leadership at home so it doesn't break. GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships.
And the list goes on. Mr. Prime, I am going to remind you again: Your policy with GEICO only reimburses you for accidents that occur while you are engaged in the reasonable use of your truck and trailer. As I told you when you originally purchased the policy, GEICO does not offer Megatron coverage, Starscream coverage, Soundwave coverage, Decepticon coverage, or Energon-blast coverage. Those are just not the types of damages we would expect from reasonable use.
To sum up, GEICO has been unable to reimburse you for any repairs, but due to the high number of accidents you have been a party to this month, combined with the many accidents you have had in the preceding five months, your premium has increased to $235,567.50 per month. While that may seem like a lot, I remind you that it is a savings of $137 over Progressive and $98 over State Farm. Please have your check into our main office by the end of July.
Simon Furman
So, you can see that its expensive to protect the free world....
go watch the show and buy Prime merchandise now
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
他要的 只是自由 只是妳的相信與支持
以上轉貼 裡面也有我的心情
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Fly your way
There seems to be a recent trend that I am caught in whenever I am flying.
No, no air rage in my warpath, and nary been a hiccup due to incident of nature either technical or terrorism.
It just seems that I have to play usher to folks on my flight... or rather, those that decided that my seat was theirs.
The first incident happened on my trip back from France some time last year.
I had taken my seat and started to read.
A rather irate French men was looking down at me as if I had cooked and eaten his poodle in his presence.
He started in his thickly accented English,"Why are you in my seat!"
Of which, I just take out my boarding pass which doubled as my bookmark, showed him my seat number and pointed to the indicator on top of the seat.
That shut him up for the time being.
After 5 min, he began to mutter something about the fact that he normally get aisle seats. Bastard mode now in overtime, I just turned around and tell him that I know that I am right as I checked my seat.
He got the attention of a passing stewardess and got a seat somewhere else.
The other 2 incidents were during my Bali trip.
The first was when I board the flight in Singapore only to find that a Woman was seated squarely in my seat, with her husband in the seat across the aisle. I just look at her and she quickly took out here boarding pass and claims that the seat (52F ) was hers. Now, I hold the same ticket and realised that it is either a printing error or someone really f***ed it up in the ticket allocation.
I did a quick double take only to see that, she is supposed to be sitting in 62.....
And off she went. My only regret is that I should have quietly moved to 62 as the seat at 52 was faulty and will lean back everytime I rest my back on it.
On my trip back, I have to doubled as another couple's English teacher and teach them the basics of ABCs and also tell them that FGH is on the other side of the aisle.
I just hope that this streak of correcting everyone's seating allocation will not continue or I will ask for a discount everytime I fly.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Lifting Experience
But nothing beats taking the lift.
You see, it used to be that the lift only opens up to 3 or 4 floors of a block. If you are the lucky bastard that stays on those floor where the lift lands, it means that you will have no woes of lugging heavy stuff and that your movers will thank you. If not, good luck.
However, the have the fortune of staying in a newer block of flats which lands at every floor, even the basements.
It was one of those morning that I got in on the lift, what wasn't common was that there was this woman that was standing right next to the door.
She didn't as much move a bit to allow me entry.
Whats worse, she started to stare at me. (Or Glaring was far more appropriate)
And not before long, she started to confront me and tell me that I should have waited till she get out of the lift before rushing in.
Now, even after a year at the new place, I have not met or talk to everyone on that same floor. But I am pretty sure that she isn't staying on the same floor as I am. Given the fact that the lift was on its way down. I can only guess that she thought that I was at the first floor.
Which then I had to just ask her, " Were you getting out at the third floor?"
Only then did she realised that the lift was at third floor on its way down to the first.
It is then it dawn on her that
1). She has been absolutely surly in her attitude
2). She would have been spared all these if she had just opened her eyes.
This is one of those cases of jumping to conclusion without fact or plain observation.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
1 long and tiring weekend - Friday Part 2
She asked me the same question that she has been asking throughout the week as to where I was going.
However, this time, she asked if it was possible for me to cancel my trip.......
Only managed to gather from her that she saw on the news, a huge wave swept the coast of Indonesia and....
And you know it, Bali was affected.....
So much for a quiet trip to a safe and beautiful resort.
Anyway, it was getting late and that we were heading home to get ready for another long day for Saturday.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
1 Long and tiring weekend - Friday
I am gearing up for another short trip in Bali, and no, its work, not play that will bring me to that beautiful, if now treacherous spot.
I spent Friday night with the gang from Want To Trade in that new place that Shawn recommended, and I dare say, a great place it is.
In case you are wondering where the hell it is, it is
The Geek Terminal
A place where once and future geek should hang out and chill.
And here is a photo of all the geeks there

The company was fun as always as we all got cracked up with the antics and jokes of Paddy and Izel. When they are not too busy having domestic dispute....in their usual lovey dovey ways.
Iris and DK was there as well. Not to mention Shawn and Hong Jia.
East Coast Life and her husband joined us shortly. All in all, it was great fun
What make this place so great is simply the concept behind it.
It is a place where you get free wireless broadband and the ability to connect up all your geeky gadgets.
Besides the concept of connect, I dare say that the coffee there is fantastic and to food is definitely great.
I was too busy wolfing it down that there really isn't anything to share with any of you.
But you can have a look at the desert and drool

So, what are you waiting for, go on down, let your inner geek out and be connected...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
There goes the holiday
And all you take is to hear someone say bomb, make them repeat it and you can turn their life hell and screw them to no end.
The following is a real event in Singapore and its even reported in the news
Dear Mr. Foo,
My name is Sandra. It is with great
disappointment and distress that I am filing a complaint to you with
regards to my situation.
My family (including myself, my husband, my daughter, and my son) planned a
Darwin holiday for the March school vacation period and was supposed to
depart on 09 March. Unfortunately, we were put in a situation by the
security officers at the departure terminal, that was way beyond our
control and we were not able to make our trip. The following is an account
of what had happened : -
I entered the Immigration gantry at about 7.15pm with my daughter to have our passport scanned and our hand carry luggage checked whilst my husband stayed behind with my son at the ticketing counter to sort out my son's visa. After
having mine and my daughter's passport scanned, we proceed to the security
gantry to have our hand luggage and our bodies scanned. My daughter passed the
security gantry first, whilst I followed right behind her. A lady officer
asked me to remove my boots for scanning, and I did as told immediately and
put my boots inside the basket provided, for it to be scanned together with
my hand luggage. I then proceed to the metal detector of which I cleared
without the gantry beeping or detecting any metal objects. I was then asked
to collect my luggage and my boots. In the mean time, my daughter was throwing
away a sweet wrapper and retuning to me and saw me putting on my boots.
my daughter then asked casually "Mummy, why do you have to remove your shoes?"
Whilst putting on my boots, I replied her and said that "they (the security
officers) are afraid that we might keep bombs in our shoes (which is why I
need to take it off to have it scanned)"
Immediately, a security officer standing at the conveyor belt (Stephen S
Naidira) who was standing in front of me said with a very rude tone "repeat
what you just said". I clarified with him what he meant - is it for me to
repeat what I had told my daughter? He said loudly again, to repeat what I
had just said. So I did exactly what he told me. I said to him that "my
daughter asked me why I need to take off my shoes, and I told her that you
guys (the security officers) are afraid that we will keep bombs in our
shoes." He immediately asked me to stand aside and said that he had to
report it to his superior that I said the word "bomb" twice. Then an Indian
lady (Sivamalar) at the customs started hurling at me and my daughter and
said that I said the word "bomb" twice and it is against the law and I can
be sent to jail and they are calling the police. She (Sivamalar) was so
loud and rude and she shoved us to the side, and refused to listen to my
explanation. In fact, she got so aggressive that another officer Ricky Lim
(I guess it's her supervisor) had to come forward to stop her from further
attacking me and my daughter verbally, and specifically asked Sivamalar to
"shut up". I told Ricky Lim that I would like to know the names of his
staff because their attitude and rudeness were simply beyond any acceptable
level. Immediately Sivamalar got so angry and aggressive that she started
charging at Ricky Lim and hurled "What?! What?! What?! She (she meant me)
said the word "Bomb" twice, so what is wrong with arresting her (which is
me) and we were told that if we heard the word twice, we will arrest!!" At
that time, Stephen S Naidira came to me again to intimidate me further by
asking me to repeat what I said earlier to my daughter again. I refused to
repeat again then because I believe he was deliberately asking me to repeat
so that he can count the number of times that I mentioned the word "bomb".
I also believe that that the officers were deliberately provoking me by
being rude and intimidating, in the hope that I will retaliate in kind,
thereby making their unreasonable actions justifiable.
Despite my anger and the fact that my daughter was scared to tears by the
situation, I knew I had to keep my cool. I sat aside with my daughter
taking down names of the personnel involved on my mobile phone. I was told
to wait for another officer of a higher rank to decide on the matter, and I
was still hoping whoever the higher ranked officer that was coming will
have the logical thinking to acknowledge that what I had said to my
daughter was a simple, harmless private conversation taken completely
At about 7.30pm, the Sergeant-in-charge, Amran Buang came. After I
explained the full context of the incident to him, he refused to make a
decision and decided to escalate it further to the Auxilary Police and
State Police. He said that the word "bomb" is very sensitive and I should
not have mentioned it twice. I explained to him that I did not know saying
the word "bomb" is against the law, and I further explained that I did not
say the word "bomb" in a threatening context to the officer, the word
"bomb" was taken completely out of context as part of an answer to my
daughter's question. Despite my explanation, he said he cannot make the
decision and my case has to be escalated to higher authorities.
Meanwhile, at about 7.40pm, my son's visa cleared and my husband and my son
came in through the customs. After knowing what had happened, my husband
tried to talk to Sergeant Amran Buang, further explaining to him that we
are just a family going on holiday and what I have said to my daughter had
been taken out of context. Again, no one was bothered to listen. And again,
we were told to wait for another officer with an even higher ranking. With
time ticking away and at 7.55pm with no sign of the higher authorities
appearing, we knew then our hope of boarding our flight had diminished.
Whilst waiting, Stephen S Naidira (the security officer) gathered with a
few security officers at the side, including Sivamalar to discuss how they
should present their statement to the police when they arrive later to make
sure that they are adequately covered, and that they are just following the
rule and doing what they were told to do. They said by insisting that they
are taking actions "by-the-book", they would be ok.
I hope by now you have a clear picture of the situation. My kids were both
crying then, with more and more policemen arriving which scared the living
daylights of them, and with no hope to continue our holiday plans. I
believe every action inside the terminal is recorded and I would insist
that your review the CCTV recordings on that night to know that I am only
stating the truth without exaggeration. You can also see that during the
entire episode, I was not at any point defiant or rude or refused any
further check by the officers, despite the infuriating situation that me
and my family were put through.
I know it is important to stay vigilant to protect Singapore. I have young
children, I know how important it is, which is why I complied without
complaining when I had to remove my boots for scanning. However, here is an
obvious case of the security officers trying to get away with their
rudeness and aggressiveness by taking things way beyond what was necessary,
in the name of following the security protocol. They were really angry when
I asked for their names from Mr. Ricky Lim, and they knew very well then
that they can abuse their power to make things very difficult for me and my
At around 8.05pm, we were informed by the Tiger Airways personnel that the
plane will have to depart and they will off-load our luggage from the
plane. At around 8.10 p.m., the State Police and other policemen arrived to
take our statement.
In the entire episode, the State Police and the SWISS PORT personnel were
the only ones who conducted themselves professionally and offered us
consolation and meaningful advice. They have also at some stages
expressed their personal views that they acknowledged this incident was
gravely mis-handled on the part of the security officers. The State Police
further confirmed that there is no case against us, and they would just
need to complete the paperwork.
The Budget Terminal manager came to meet me and said that whilst he
empathized with our situation, it is an airport security protocol and
frankly, it's "just too bad" that this happened to us.
My statement and my daughter's statement only completed at about 10.45p.m.
The counter service staff, Ms Nur Aisah Bte Ali Hassan was very helpful and
advised us on our next steps. She was kind enough to ask us to return the
next day to change the traveling dates and advised the additional charges
I am not given a report for this case, but my case number with the State
Police is P*. I was already told by the State Police that the
case is closed without further action.
For the ordeal that my family had been put through, I would want an
official reply from CAAS and all relevant authorities addressing the
following : -
Whether the security officers were trained to handle passengers with such
bad attitude and rudeness and if such actions by them are condoned by
authorities. I would insist you to refer to the CCTV recordings during
the period of the incident.
What actions would be taken by CAAS and all relevant authorities with
reference to both the security officers, Mr. Stephen S Naidira ad Ms.
Sivamalar, for their unruly behavior and attitude? Surely, characters as
such do not belong to a national airport that aspired to be a world class
traveling hub.
What actions would be taken by CAAS and all relevant authorities with
reference to Sergeant Amran Buang, who had the authority to end this
episode promptly, but instead decided to prolong our ordeal for no
justifiable cause? Is it a protocol that even after establishing the
facts that we, as a family poses no security threat, there is still a need
to escalate the matter to the authority and have the State Police and other
policemen carry out a full investigations only to end up in vain? Why is it
that even at level of Sergeant, whom I reckon is better educated,
experienced, and able to make logical sense of the whole situation, refuse
to make a simple decision and end our ordeal quickly? Is this a Singapore
civil service practice where decision making is pushed and shoved from one
level to another no matter how obvious what the final decision should be
from the very beginning?
Whether all the officers concern are properly trained and competent to
handle such situation. Besides hardware ( i.e. the protocol book), are they
taught to apply the software (i.e . common senses)? Is it really a protocol
that as long as the word "bomb" is mentioned twice by a person (once being
asked to repeat by the officer) ??then no matter what context, tone,
situation and profile of the person who said it, it would not be taken into
consideration? What if my
daughter instead of asking me a simple question about my shoes,
decided to say: "mummy, according to news report, there are speculations
that the recent Indonesian air crash may be attributed to a bomb inside the
plane." Would your security officer would come up to her and ask her to
repeat one more time, and she would be put under arrest? Your staff kept
telling me that saying the word "bomb" in the airport is illegal and I can
go to jail. They quoted newspaper examples of how people have gone to jail
because of that. I think your staffs need to be trained to understand and
differentiate situations and circumstances. As far as I knew, the people
that went to jail had VERBALLY THREATENED staff members in the aviation
service or had DELIBERATELY caused public alarm using sensitive words. My
case was clearly none of the above. Even if, I am saying if, indeed its
illegal to mention the word "bomb" in the airport no matter what context,
the person involved need to be warned ahead of time. You cannot arrest a
person for committing something illegal when the person has no idea that
the word is illegal in the first place. Your staff could have given me a
verbal warning to say that such sensitive words should be refrained in the
airport and I would have walk away remembering the warning. But instead,
they decide to let the matter escalate further.
Who is to compensate for the expenses that are already incurred and
forfeited for this trip, and our emotional stress and duress during the
entire episode? The total cost incurred, including air tickets,
accommodation, and land tours amount to about $4,200. We had to put up with
hours of humiliation with more than twenty policemen and officials
surrounding us, questioning us, checking our luggage through and through.
We had put up with never-ending questioning from different departments, and
best of all, repeated checks on my same pair of boots. My kids were
terrified, puzzled, disappointed and exhausted from this entire ordeal. My
husband and I are left with one week of applied leave and no vacation and
holiday to look forward to.
I would like to state that not everyone that we came across in this episode
had been unpleasant. I wish to take this opportunity to express my
gratitude for the empathy shown by the State Police and the SWISS PORT
I will be waiting for your reply. Please let me know when to expect it in
email. In the mean time, I may seek legal advice for my rights and
entitlement in this incident.
Yours sincerely
Well, that was long but I guess that only shows how much suffering and humiliation they were put through. I am just wondering how many more suffer for all those pompous bastard out there whose 1 entertainment in their daily routine is to make your life hell for the simple reason that they can. I just hope that 1 fine day, they will be put through a strip search, a full cavity search and be interrogated in nothing more than their briefs just because.....they should be...And to Sandra, I do hope that your family get at least some sort of compensation out from the whole ordeal.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
They crack me up
This makes an interesting reading if nothing else. They are extremely well written and I seriously enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy reading Dilbert.
Some of my favourites
My Thoughts In Hougang
"One cannot claim that he is a taxpayer and should benefit from the likes of those in a PAP constituency when he voted for the opposition."
I am sorry, but what does being a taxpayer has to do with what the fucked he/she voted. And in fact, does this means that all the foreign talent, those expats, tourists, children, voted?? I don't think so. In case you forgotten, those in Hougang are Singapore citizen staying in a part of Singapore, not the federal republic of hougang. Just simply because they have different political inclination robs them of the same entitlement compared to the rest of the nation? They get punished collectively for that? Last I heard, we are still having a voting democratic republic, no???
The Green Eyed Monster
Said that we are pissed with the pay rise of the ministers because we are envious. I had say this once, and I will say it again, I am definitively envious when I have a pay rise that will just slightly offset the GST increase, I know some others out there does not even get paid because they don't have a job. We have some people here who can set their own benchmark and decide their own pay and raise it not by 1 or 2%, not 10 or 20, but 100%.....
I am not really worried about what talents we retained, but rather, what kind of talent we will get. I know of teachers who got into the teaching profession not because they have the passion to teach, but because it is one of the highest paid job with excellent benefits in the civil service. They might pass for the good in the head, but some have nary any fire in the heart. It is nothing more than a job and the parents and students nothing more than customers and products and they will do anything to churn out good grades, holistic education, building characters, let the other suckers worry about that.
Which the next one is really a clincher
Bill Gates+George Soros+Mother Theresa - How Much $$
That got me worried....
In case you are a mac fanatics and have never used a Windoze machine, Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest man in the world by creating a product that has so many security and performance issues that it needs security patches before it is officially released. MSFT's monopoly is also earning it tonnes of lawsuit all over the world. Now, that makes sense why we got shit load of problem when we talk about Shin corp. Soros? Yes, a fantastic investor which also brought about the Asian Currency crisis. Hmmm.....so we have people that goes about taking profit while the rest of the world burn...how nice....And Mother Theresa, it couldn't get more wrong....she devoted most of her life taking care of the poorest destitute in the world.....for free....
And yes, I can go on and on.....
But hell, you go read it and draw your own conclusion, have a good laugh if you find it funny. If you don't like it, just click that x at the top right hand corner and you will be done. And if those from youngpapblog dislike what I like, you can click off from this page.
And just so you know, I have had a terribly enjoyable read and please do keep up the good work
Monday, April 02, 2007
When the food taste bad
What it means, Bo Ho Jia is just another hokkien phrase for not nice to eat. Or Not for human consumption.
When you tasted food this bad, it is not just an affront to your taste-bud. It also make those money you spent...well, wasted.
If the next tim someone serves up something unpalatable, don't jst swallow it, disgust and all. Send me a picture and how bad the damn food is, I will just try to make time to find it out or take your word for it, and reportit. That's all.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Just pay them more
It seems like there is some discussion lately about the impending increase to the minister of this fair island. I guess that as far as they are concern, this is warranted and in fact, in due time to prevent an exodus of talent.
However, in the word of his generation and by a civil servant no less, I would like to quote, “If people don't have a sense of value, they're worse than mercenaries...My generation has a value system. We hope the present generation does too. People who don't have that, we better forget them and hire more hungry non-Singaporeans to come here and add to our value system.” So, If the exodus of the top talent is largely due to the mercenary nature of theirs, it is probably better that they be replace by the top foreign talent that do have a good value system that can be added to ours for cheap.
For those who talked about envy, that is something that is very true and natural of that of a human being. In fact, while Gordon Gecko had you believe the driving force of the modern civilisation and economy is greed, it has been help by its twin sister, envy. And envy is what gets me green in the eye when I hear the annual pay check in tunes of 1.2 mil being drawn. To top it off, this amount will be raised to about 3 mil if they were to have their ways (which they normally will). Imagine this, you might have a chance about once or twice a month to get that amount (about a 1 in 45mil odds), but someone with the help of his peers will have this every year and most likely for 5 continuous year at a go. There is no reason not to envy that.
I admit that thus far the job have been rather well done, but unfortunately it is slipping in standards, and with fair proof to say that.
We have just recently pass a budget which by own admission, most of the minister and cabinet members would score an “F” in its comprehension. Now, if such is the level of comprehension of just another annual budget, woes behold to us commoner with nary a phd in economics to comprehend it, and how can we be assured, that the government will be able to execute it?
Our Foreign ministry seems to be doing a good job in setting on all the wrong footings with out neighbours, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. FDAs be damn if we get no sand and now no granite and we are not even able to even coexist peacefully with our neighbourly states.
Not to forget that our Airport have slipped in the International standing from 1st to 4th and since we are on the topic of aviation, how the heck does a country which prides itself in its Tri-partite relation with the Employer, Union and employee having to resort to litigation between our Silvery Kris Wing and its pilots?
But end of the day, they will get their raise while we will be contended when not getting any due to the stiffer global competition, the slacking in our productivity compared to other country and that my Chinese and Indian colleagues worked harder and cheaper and do not have to waste 2 week of the employers time in green uniform languishing in Tekong feeding mosquito.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
For the lacking of values
I read and felt compelled to defend a generation that I may or may not be associated with. And its only through a quick Google and a Wiki entry that did I realized that I might have been part of the generation branded Generation X.
First off, I realized that there is a need for the media to label and categorize certain age group to a certain generation, generalizing and drawing them with one broad stroke the definitive character and predominant attributes. I am fine with that necessity and to make the editors’ job easier and more sensational to sell more prints. I just find that all these labels being stuck on me a bit stifling. The question which I enjoyed posing is, can you see past all those stickers and labels to even know who I am, what is my belief and the values that we may or may not have?
In case you are wondering the impetus to all these, you might like to read
Which was sparked off by this
Which is largely believe to be from this debacle
(Another 1 here)
I have nothing against the one who questioned our values or the lack of it, in fact, I would respect him as I would respect anyone that is older and more learned than me and also contributed to a great dead to the prosperity of this island nation which I called home.
I am as you might be saying, attempting to defend a charge against a generation of which I might or might not be a part of and that the best representation is nothing more than anecdotal findings and first person encounter that I see as well as bits and pieces this ill-informed individual read.
First off, we might not have a value but I do know the value that your generation is true and tangible, to the tune of 3 million a year your peers are getting in the private sectors. That is probably enough to last me a few retirements provided that I am entitled to retirement, that is.
We are alleged to be blatant job-hoppers and bond breakers and do not subscribe to the term of loyalty be it to the company we work for and the nation of whom provide us a stable and secure place to grow and also give us money every year when the economy is doing well. Well, in defence to that, I can dare say that not a single time in my life did I dare to tell my employer that I will become corrupt and accept bribe if I am not paid in accordance to my peers. If I find jobs that are more challenging, I will by the procedures tender my resignation and do something else in order to better oneself and contribute to the economy. Neither do I ask for handouts or safety net. All I ask is that, if I were to give an idea, I expect it to be reviewed with an open mind, and if it is that great an idea, I do not expect to be thanked by not giving the first shot of that idea but to offer it to the highest bidders behind ballots in the name of fair-play.
I do not pretend to be political aphetic as you claim but when I am in disagreement with what you propose and your scheme, please do not ask me to go form my own political party. If you really want to hear our voices, we will speak. If you want to hear only good things, try FM91.3.
And with all due respect, we are certain that you will defend what you say and what you belief staunchly, we will never teach you how to do your job. And that I will try as much as I can, never threaten to sue people just so to shut them up. I will only do so if they fail to proof what they say are correct. Neither will we categorically deny what is true and only to sweep it away as an inconvenient blurb later. I will be a man and apologize. I am also not afraid to put down what I say in words and if someone feel uncomfortable in my presence to have their friends, father, mother, brothers and sisters to join me for a cup of tea (I prefer coffee actually) or chocolate, I never need to worried that I am being interrogated if it is just supposed to be a chat.
And seriously, I do agree that if one was found lacking in terms of values and moral fibers, they should be replace by talents from abroad, we should probably get more of those that blanked off their wife's Degree and stencil their own name to get a job, they are a talent and a steal, and also those who managed to run a few stalls in foodcourts without even a valid visas. And also foreign managers that tells us that NS is a liability to his department and he will always pick up a foreign talent over a local male with NS liability as a NSman. Those are indeed values, in fact, real value for money.
What I feel is that, a person or a generation’s legacy is the values imparted to the next generation, the failing of a generation that has no values, in the Asian’s context is the failing of the generation before for not inculcating it. As what they say (Pardon the poor translation)
Fathering a child without proper upbringing is the fault of the father
Teaching without educating in the right way is the fault of the teacher
Monday, March 26, 2007
Stray thought for the day
Some stray thought that went through my head…..
One morning, a young college girl went to see her counselor, before she even sit down,
She declared,” I have decided that I am going to be a les….”
The councilor, almost choking on her glass of water asked,” Why?”
The girl said,” Well some old guy just told me on TV.”
This got the best of the councilor and she asked,” Which old guy?”
The girl said, ”If you must know, its Col. Sanders”
The councilor was really holding back from either rolling on the floor or tearing her hair, “What did he say that gave you the idea?” “He announced that finger, licking, good!” exclaimed the girl.
It is entirely possible that the girl is blonde….. but we are certain that the counselor has been warded in IMH.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Not about GST
I seriously have had it with the buzz about the GST increase. I much rather share with you some of the things I heard from a few people I overheard when commuting
1). From 1 that looks like a teacher
My student is really driving me nuts. Yesterday, I was teaching about percentage. I asked them when the percentage of increase when number of apple is increased from 5 to 7. 1 of them tell me that it is 2%. When I tell him it is wrong, he retorted that the mathematician on TV say that 5 to 7 is 2% increase only.
2). From a Houseman
Yesterday I had to perform a few stomach cleaning on some old folks. Seems like recently there are these bunch of people that tried to take their medicine all at one shot. And when we ask them why, they just say that some guys on TV says that it is better to take the medicine at one go.
3). Outside a toilet
Dunno why recently a lot of people are looking around for toilet, and some even start to hog the toilet stalls. I guess it must be the recent awareness created to get people to start looking for toilet and not wait until they feel like shitting.
4). From a young executive
My boss yesterday just told me to increase the price for the retailer channel by 2% and say that this is to help the bottom-line and also to help the consumer channel redevelopment while cutting the price in the corporate channel by 2% citing competition. I guess he heard it from a certain big incorporation that is recently having problem with their oversea business.
Well, there, I did it, 1 entry and no talk on the impending GST.
Now I need to go buy those big ticket items before the increase kicks in
Monday, March 12, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Sample of a tragedy
Saw this in a Chinese Forum and so I decided to translate it. Hope its still funny
*Disclaimer : I am not a Bush Basher*
One day, George W Bush visited an elementary school somewhere in Maryland. In typical Bush fashion, he begins to ask the grade 8 students, “Who can give me an example of a tragedy?”
A little girl raised her hand and said, ”When my best friend is run down by a car when walking down the road, that's a tragedy.”
“No, that's an accident, not a tragedy,” replied Bush
Another boy responded, “ It's a tragedy when my friends in a bus are being run over on a field trip.” To which Bush replied,” No, that's a terrible lost. Not a tragedy.”
Johnny raised up his hand to the chagrin of his Homeroom teacher, and quipped, ”When you and the first lady are on Air Force One and the Air Force One is shot down by a missile.” “Why so,” enquired the bemused and slightly puffed up President. To which Johnny replied, “ Well, it sure ain’t no accident and it’s certainly no fucking terrible lost to nobody.”Thursday, March 01, 2007
Back again
I was being asked occasionally if this blog has come to an end. To everyone’s disappointment, the answer is no. I enjoy taking a break, a long break at times just so that I can come back and write a bit more before fading further into obscurity. I come to realized that there will be time where there is a lot going on in my head, thoughts fleeting through synapses faster than I can pen them down. And there will be time where I am just plain lazy to go to the keyboard and type it all out.
Well, 3 month into the new year and this is as good a time as any to renew this blog.
Yes, I am back, for how long? I don't really know.