Thursday, December 29, 2005

Retrospection and Resolution

Another year has just passed me by and the wheels of time stop not for mere mortals the likes of us.
As I see the year went by like so many just alike.
I stop to think that little changes there may be till I lay still and time pass me by

I have carried on my usuall sabatical at the end of the year as the time for rest and reflection. And also I loath the prospect of having the chance to work till late during my birthday. So much so that I had never go back to the office at the end of the year and that no one will usually sees me around after christmas. As it is, I did went back to office after christmas(Boxing day) to be exact to attend to something urgent.

The rest of the time is spent on Victoria Island with my Spearman as he is really lagging in his advancement. The other tie are spent on painting the new house among other distraction.

I had known for quite a while next year would be bustling with activities on the personnal front thanks to moving to the new house, the customary and not to mention, not 1 but 2 ICT. Fuck!!! they are really milking this for all its worth.

I had spent this year scrapping by, making one compromise after another for 1 reasons and another, I wished I did not but I did and really, its pointless regretting about it now. The few high points this year is to finally got off my but and started this little space of mine and to have some of you that drops by often and leave your comment and suggestion to help me to be better. For that i am eternally grateful. My English is still atrocious and my spelling crap. I shall make it one of the main resolution to make sure that I stopped posting crap. Of the people that I know, I can only say that Paddy is the 1 inspiration that I know that getting into business while not easy, is something that is fulfilling and rewarding. Hang in there Tomato, you are doing great it will only get better.
The Student is someone that helps me to keep in check in another prospective, the youthfull but precarious point of view keeps me in check and help me to not go off a tangent.
As for lady Iris, for you grace this page with your presence and was not quick to slay those points. In that, I thank you.

Also to my wife for she actually read all these stuff and tells me how she felt about them. She knows that I sometimes keep a few thing to myself and this is one of the way which makes opening up easier. I have to thank my wifey for actually patient enough to read through all these and not just make me say which unfortunately while I am bad in writing, my lacking in eloquence will not be able to bring forth half my thoughts and feelings as easily as this.

Enough eith the last year. All I can say for next year will be,
to complete all those task that I know that lay before me and to spot and overcome all the obstacle not seen yet. To persevere in keeping this blog and to keep on with my regime of badminton and restart my weekly jog.

To really get into the eNN thing and to be worthy of the term entrepreuner.

Last of all, to complete those projects and task at work, spin off a few new ones while staying in scope of relevance and budget.

And to all of you that actually read this. Hope you had a great 2005 and that 2006 will be better for you in each and every way possible.


iRis said...

I wanted to say something that will demostrate my regality and my elegance but could not come up with anything... Seems like I am not that elegance a Slayer at all..!

Anyway, may all that you wanted come true in the new year for you.. :)

And just a gentle correction, its spelled butt not but..! :D

putitthisway said...

sorry... did not spell check (as usual)

Environmental Engineer said...

Hello! Happy New year! All the best to you! Ah...I once promised that I will correct the errors you make in your posts, I was lazy and did not BUT it's a new year! A fresh beginning! I will try my best to identify as much errors as possible and hope that your english will improve as times passes. First of all, I would like to make a few points which you might or might not have know of: (i) spoken english and written english are not the same, the structure is different
eg."...Also to my wife for she actually read ..."
It sounds right and as far as I have been taught by my teachers, I have rephrased it to:"...This is also for my wife who actually reads..."
(ii)A sentence can be structurely and grammatically correct but it must also make sense to an average reader. It is good practice to reread a post, to selve out both technical errors as well as expression errors.

I will post an edition of this post correcting as much as I can using the knowledge I have garnered from my teachers. I am not 100% correct so please forgive me if I do make any mistakes. Will appreciate from other bloggers as well.

Environmental Engineer said...

Hello! Happy New year! All the best to you! Ah...I once promised that I will correct the errors you make in your posts, I was lazy and did not BUT it's a new year! A fresh beginning! I will try my best to identify as much errors as possible and hope that your english will improve as time passes. First of all, I would like to make a few points which you might or might not have know of: (i) spoken english and written english are not the same, the structure is different
eg."...Also to my wife for she actually read ..."
It sounds right. Sounds. Yup, it's how you speak, not how you write it so I rephrased it to:"...This is also for my wife who actually reads..."
(ii)A sentence can be structurely and grammatically correct but it must also make sense to an average reader. It is good practice to reread a post, to sift out both technical errors as well as expression errors.

I will post an edition of this post correcting as much as I can using the knowledge I have garnered from my teachers. I am not 100% correct so please forgive me if I do make any mistakes. Will appreciate help from other bloggers as well.

Environmental Engineer said...

An edition of your post:
Another year has just passed me by and the wheels of time stop not for mere mortals the likes of us.
As I see the year went by like so many just alike.
I stop to think that little changes there may be till I lay still and time pass me by

I have carried out( not 'on', wrong word) my usual sabbatical at the end of the year as the time for rest and reflection. I also loathed the prospect of working till late during my birthday so much so that I had never went back to the office during my birthday. Similarly, no one will see me around after christmas. However, this year, I did went back to the office after christmas(Boxing day) to be exact to attend to something urgent.
comments: In the 1st 3 sentences of this paragraph, I roughly get what you mean. However, the 3 sentences are very disjointed because of the way you phrased it. From sentence 2 to 3, this is the idea I get from reading it the 1st time: "You loathe working late during your birthday so much so you don't go back to the office at the end of the year." Does this mean that your birthday is at the end of the year? You then wrote: 'no one will usually sees me around after christmas.'Ok, so is this a consequence of the previous point made about not going back to the office during your birthday which is at the end of the year? Or is your 'birthday' complaint linked with your 'christmas' complaint since your birthday occurs near christmas or are they two separate complaints? It is not very clear when I read it. After reading it, I guess both are separate and have amended it such that it is more understandable.)

The rest of the time is spent on Victoria Island with my Spearman as he is really lagging in his advancement, painting the new house besides other distractions.
(Comments: You were trying to separate the points 'working' which is mentioned in your 1st paragraph, 'spending time on the island' and 'the painting of the house'. In doing so, you could not find a suitable conjunction in linking the 2nd and 3rd idea. Between the 1st and 2nd point, you used 'The rest of the time...' Between the 2nd and 3rd point, you used 'The other time...' which is wrong here. must group your 2nd and 3rd point. Majority of your time was spent on work. SO, 'the rest of the time' is spent on blah blah island, painting and others. )

I have known for quite a while that(missing conjunction) next year would be bustling with activities on the personnal front thanks to the move(not 'moving') to the new house, the customary and not to mention, not 1 but 2 ICT. Fuck!!! They are really milking this for all its worth.
(Comments: No major errors here. However, to make it more clear, can you elaborate on who 'they' are?)

I had spent this year scrapping by, making one compromise after another for 1 reason(without the 's', 1 = singular) or(not 'and', wrong conjunction) another. I wished I had(usually, we use 'had') not (but I had<-try not to state the obvious) but (using 'and' is not wrong) it's really pointless in regretting about them(not 'it', you made more than 1 compromise, rmb?) now. The few high points of(missing word) this year is to have finally gotten off my butt to start this little space of mine and to have some of you drop by often and leave your comments and suggestions to help me improve. For that,(punctunation is impt) I(so are capital letters) am eternally grateful. My English is still atrocious and my spelling crappy. I shall make this one of the main resolutions: to make sure that I stop posting crap. Of the people that I know, I can only say that Paddy is the one who inspires me by letting me know that getting into business though not easy, is something that is fulfilling and rewarding. Hang in there Tomato, you are doing great. It will only get better. The Student is someone who helps me to keep in check in another prospective. The youthful but precarious point of view keeps me in check and helps me not to go off a tangent.(My personal opinion about this: I have no idea what you are talking about :D )
As for lady Iris, for you who(missing conjunction) graced(with the d) this page with your presence and was not quick to slay my(use 'those' only if you have mentioned the 'points' previously in this post which is not the case here) points. For(wrong word, not 'in') that, I thank you.
Comments: "...The few high points this year is (Point A)to finally got off my but and (Point B)started this little space of mine..." The way you wrote it gave the reader the idea that getting off your butt and starting your blog are 2 different points. I corrected it by using the conjunction 'to' instead of 'and'. This tells the reader that you got off your butt TO blog, not 'you got off your butt' and 'you blogged'. Yup, your structuring and expression is bad BUT you have a much better vocabulary than most of my classmates. In other words, you do have the potential of improving, you just need to familiarise yourself with the structure of the language and how certain words are used through more reading . Just use spelling check or better yet, use a real-life dictionary like I do to improve your spelling.)

This is also for my wife whom actually reads all these stuff and told me how she felt about them. She knows that sometimes, I keep a few things to myself. This is one of the ways(with the 's') which makes opening up to her easier. I have to thank my wifey for being patient enough to read through all these (and not just make me say which unfortunately while I am bad in writing)<--[I really cannot understand this part], I will not have been able to bring forth half my thoughts and feelings as easily as this due to my lack in eloquence .
Comments: "Also to my wife for she actually read(past tense) all these stuff and tells(present tense) me how she felt(past tense) about them."
Be careful about the tenses."....for actually patient enough ..." It's a singaporean habit to keep using the word 'actually'. You used it in the 1st sentence to make the point that your wife reads your blog, not necessary to point it out again with the word 'actually'. The last sentence is badly structured.

Enough with last year. All I can say for next year will be these:
to complete all the tasks that lay before me, to spot and overcome all unseen obstacles, to persevere in maintaining this blog, to keep on with my regime of badminton and to restart my weekly jog.
Comments: ':' is very powerful. Use it.

To really get into the eNN thing and to be worthy of the title(better word): entrepreuner.

Last of all, to complete all projects and tasks at work, spin off a few new ones while staying within('in' wrong word) the scope of relevance and budget.
Comments: You do have a habit of using 'those'. Use when appropriate.

And to all of you that actually read this: Hope that you had a great year in 2005 and that 2006 will be better for you in each and every way possible.

Comments: Whew, this took me one and a half hour. All the best in improving your writing!

iRis said...

Woah, the student should be the teacher instead..!!

putitthisway said...

I agree

Environmental Engineer said...

Hmhm, should I go and be a tution teacher?

P.S I need a lobang part time job! Currently unemployed while waiting for NS!

putitthisway said...

You can try to register.......