Monday, May 08, 2006


Seems like it is tough being James Gomez.
First off, he did not hand in a form on National TV.  Neither did his apologies managed to soothe the angry mo out there baying for his blood. Being called a liar by our founding father and losing the election at 12-percentage point (some call it landslide in some countries). And now, it seems like he might just very well lose his job and that either a big chunk of money or his freedom for a couple of year and even both. This indeed is a dark time for him.

For those out there following this case, some might just reckon that he is finally served his comeuppance and that he deserved to be thrown into the darkest corner of Changi and with the keys thrown away.

Now the fun part was that, all along, his detractors called him a liar and a one-man wayang. However, instead of pressing charges like misleading the Election Board or for that matter, lying and cheating, he has been slapped with criminal intimidation. Which is interesting to see that someone pointing a finger at an official and swearing that there will be consequences have hell to pay while his lying and cheating ways and the gross disregard for the whole election process, the act of misleading the public is being looked over.

While the jury is still out on him intimidating someone with criminal intent and that if he is truly a liar and a cheat despite what the founding father said. One thing is for sure that he will not be going anywhere far and that his political career is being impounded as with his passport.


Anonymous said...

IMHO, this time the old man has gone too far. Obviously, age has not mellowed this man and he thinks he's greater than God or something. His arrogance really knows no bounds. Time is running out for him and the sooner he meets his Creator the better for all Singaporeans.

putitthisway said...

you do know that as far as all things are concerned on the surface, the old man is not directly linked to this.....

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, ROTFL. Who're you trying to kid ? You just came to Singapore yesterday, meh ? Who was the one who said "If I call someone a liar, and he doesn't sue me then he is a liar". Too bad we can't see how he'll measure up when he meets his Maker. Let's see if he can take his knuckle dusters with him when he bites the dust and whether he'll challenge his Maker to meet him in a cul-de-sac.

putitthisway said...

Not kidding anyone, least of all far as the whole process on the surface, it is the ELD tasking the police to work on this.....of course, u can claim that it is the boss of ELD who is baying for blood, but if you put names into it, you will be CSJed.....And that my friend, is the situation that I will not want to get either of us into....if you get what I mean

Anonymous said...

You are right. But don't you think this highlights the extent of the climate of fear that pervades our supposedly first world country ? Where a larger than life public figure is beyond scrutiny and any criticism is met with a "using-a-sledgehammer-to-quash-a-fly" approach. Save for the state of the economy, I think we have more in common with countries like North Korea, Cuba and Iran rather than any of the first world countries. This is the sad state of affairs our country is in.

putitthisway said...

Felicitation and Bienvenue to the realpolitiks of this little red dots. And guess where we are ranked 140 out of a 147. It is a rather sad state and that while there are some slight improvement over the years.... as long as the nanny refused to cut the apron string, the child will eternally remain a child....of course, growing up is not easy and that there will be price to pay. But the biggest problem we have is not with the nanny but the child which despite all the rebelious hues and cries still lack a deeper sense of civic responsibility which if you ask me, is that point of lacking to propel us beyond.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. The problem is not with the child not being able to handle responsibility but the parent that is refusing to accept that the child he has nurtured is now a mid-life adult at 41 years old and it's just time to let go. Letting go is always difficult when you've had your child being beholden to you for that long. So, the parent cannot accept that the child now has amind of his own and is beginning to question some the parent's ways. That parent blew a golden opportunity to gain the respect of the child in 1990. He should just have let go and fade away. Instead, he chose to install a puppet and become the puppet master. That parent's image in the minds of a lot of Singaporeans is now in tatters. History will not be kind to that parent in spite of his achievements.

Environmental Engineer said...

It is time to let go...the question we should be asking is: Is it safe for us to be let go? Is it worth the risk? Shouldn't these be the questions we should be asking?

putitthisway said...

It is never safe to let go. There is no such thing as a good time. Since that is the case, why not now then later. There is only 1 now and too many later and the later might be just that, too late.