Monday, January 14, 2008

Another year, another start

DK used to tell me that I will need cleaning services pest control due to amount of cobwebs and spiderwebs on this blog. I am even more pleasantly surprised that there are still people that comes to this blog, intentionally or unintentionally. For that, I thank those who visited.

For a good part of 07, it was business as usual with all the plans being made and scuttled. There is 1 however, that allowed no turning back, and as far as I can concern, will change my life forever.....the arrival of a baby girl in 08.

While the world moves on, events taking place.... I couldn't help but felt disjointed with the rest of the world as I started to make plan, thinking of names, getting stuffs , attending classes and making sure that the house is ready....

I couldn't help but to have worries...if the kid will turn out all right, will we be good parent to the kid......

In short, this is now a 9 month project which will lead on to a 20+ yr development cycle....I just could not but felt ill-prepared for the change in life....

Yet, like a lot of other milestones in life, this you do not get to choose.....
While we deliver the baby into the world, we do not get to choose how they are, besides their name and how we treat and educate them... the rest, will be hard work and hopefully with some luck... the kid will turn out all right.


DK said...

WAH! Got posting liao!!!

putitthisway said...

Yeah lor.... slack for too long liao